Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1518: Killing Ye Zhi to Silence Her

As for Jiang Feisheng, who quieted their worries, he took advantage of the fight between the two parties to capture a Xiyun soldier and asked, "Who is the doctor with the best medical skills in your army?"

Once he learned from the soldier that it was Gong Juechen and where Gong Juechen was now, he killed the soldier.

Dragging the soldier to a corner where no one else could see him, he peeled off the soldier's leather armor. He quickly changed out of the clothes of an ordinary Chilin soldier and put on the leather armor of the Xiyun soldier.

Disguised as a soldier from Xiyun, Jiang Feisheng headed in the direction of Gong Juechen.

Compared with winning this battle, his top priority was to find a skilled doctor to detoxify their emperor and save their emperor's life.

Ye Zhi kept killing the enemy and found that a Xiyun soldier walked away instead of killing the enemy. She frowned and followed him to see what was going on.

Since entering the imperial city, Gong Juechen has no longer lived in the military doctor's tent. He now lives in a medicine shop. The medicine shop has been looted by Chilin soldiers a long time ago. There are some medicinal materials in the medicine shop now, but they are all from the Xiyun Army. Gong Juechen asked Gong Juechen to put some of the medicinal materials here so that he could treat injuries and illnesses of the Xiyun soldiers in the imperial city.

The doors and windows of the medicine shop are now closed. Inside the medicine shop, Gong Juechen is staying with two soldiers at this moment. To put it mildly, these two soldiers are to protect the safety of him as a military doctor. To put it worst, they are asked by Xiao Changyi to watch him. .

"Alas." Gong Juechen couldn't help but sigh in his heart as he heard the loud killing sounds outside.

At the same time, he was very worried about the safety of his Zhizhi and younger sister.

However, he was more worried about his Zhizhi.

His sister was not a particularly powerful martial artist, so she had nothing to do with her, but his Zhizhi was different. His Zhizhi's martial arts skills were much inferior to his sister's.

Jiang Feisheng found a medicine shop and found that there was no one in the medicine shop. He grabbed a passing Xiyun soldier outside the medicine shop and asked, "Which medicine shop is Dr. Gong at?"

"That's the one in front." There are so many people in the army, and it's impossible for everyone to know each other. When the Xiyun soldier saw that Jiang Feisheng was also wearing the Xiyun soldier's leather armor, he thought that Jiang Feisheng was also a Xiyun soldier, and Jiang Feisheng was a Xiyun soldier. Ask him and he answers readily.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished answering, Jiang Feisheng broke his neck and killed him.

When Ye Zhi saw that Jiang Feisheng actually killed Xiyun soldiers, he knew that Jiang Feisheng was not a Xiyun soldier, so he rushed over and stabbed Jiang Feisheng with his sword.

Everyone is killing the enemy in front. At this moment, there is no one in the aisle here.

Jiang Feisheng didn't expect that he would be seen killing Xiyun soldiers, which was equivalent to his identity being exposed. He had to quickly deal with this woman before he could find Gong Juechen.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Feisheng started fighting with Ye Zhi.

Jiang Feisheng's martial arts skills were very high. Ye Zhi only exchanged two moves and knew that she was no match for him, so he hurriedly called out: "Here comes someone. This man is pretending to be a Xiyun soldier, but he is actually from Chilin!"

When Jiang Feisheng heard this, he even more violently wanted to kill Ye Zhi to silence her.

Ye Zhi couldn't resist, and her sword was knocked off. She had no choice but to quickly draw out the pistol hidden in her boot. Unfortunately, she shot over and missed Jiang Feisheng.

Just because when Jiang Feisheng saw the black thing she took out, he thought it was a hidden weapon and quickly dodged it. Jiang Feisheng even kicked the pistol out of her hand with a spin kick.

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