Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1519 Gong Juechen, a powerful martial artist?

Jiang Feisheng kicked again, and Ye Zhi was kicked down by him.

Ye Zhi fell to the ground, in great pain, but she had no time to feel it. She just wanted to take the pistol on the ground not far away, but her hand just reached the pistol, and before she could pick up the pistol, Jiang Feisheng stepped on her hand.

Stepping hard, Ye Zhi immediately grimaced. It hurts!

But how could Jiang Feisheng just step on Ye Zhi's hand and leave it at that? He wanted to stab Ye Zhi hard with a sword, wanting Ye Zhi's life.


As soon as Gong Juechen heard Ye Zhi's voice, he ran out of the medicine shop regardless of the obstruction of the two soldiers who were looking at him. As soon as he left the medicine shop, he saw Ye Zhi being stepped on hard not far away, and the person who stepped on Ye Zhi wanted her life.

Gong Juechen immediately didn't care whether it would expose the fact that he knew kung fu, rushed over, grabbed the white blade with his bare hands, and used his right hand to forcibly move Jiang Feisheng's sword.

The sword was about to pierce Ye Zhi, but fortunately Gong Juechen rescued her in time and saved her life.

As soon as Ye Zhi was rescued, Gong Juechen's eyes were red, and he picked up the long sword that Ye Zhi had dropped to the side and attacked Jiang Feisheng with great bloodthirstiness.

Gong Juechen's moves were all aimed at Jiang Feisheng's fatal position, and his moves were particularly fierce. The speed was so fast that only a sword shadow could be seen, but Jiang Feisheng's martial arts were also high. When the two fought, it was a master against a master, and there was only the sound of swords colliding.

Ye Zhi didn't react at first, and when she reacted, she was stunned. Is this person with such high skills really Gong Juechen?

Doesn't he know martial arts?

When An Jing and Xiao Changyi arrived, they happened to see the scene of Gong Juechen and Jiang Feisheng fighting.

Because they knew that Gong Juechen should be very skilled, even if they had never seen Gong Juechen take action, at this moment, An Jing and Xiao Changyi were not surprised at all.

As soon as An Jing arrived, she helped Ye Zhi up from the ground.

Ye Zhi finally came to her senses and quickly said to Xiao Changyi: "Brother-in-law, go help Gong Juechen!"

Xiao Changyi said nothing and did not help, but just stood there.

Ye Zhi was so anxious that she was afraid that Gong Juechen would be injured by Jiang Feisheng, so she could only ask An Jing for help: "Boss"

An Jing immediately comforted: "This man is not Gong Juechen's opponent. Don't you see that this man is becoming more and more powerless? Moreover, Gong Juechen obviously wants to kill this man with his own hands."

If Gong Juechen didn't obviously want to kill this man with his own hands, she believed that her husband would definitely help.

But Ye Zhi didn't care about these. She was just worried about Gong Juechen. Seeing that An Jing didn't help, she didn't care about the pain in her hands and body, picked up the pistol on the ground, and wanted to shoot at Jiang Feisheng.

But Jiang Feisheng and Gong Juechen fought too hard, moving here and there. Ye Zhi didn't dare to shoot easily, for fear that she would hurt Gong Juechen instead of Jiang Feisheng.

Gong Juechen had a sinister look and red eyes. He was determined to kill Jiang Feisheng and didn't notice An Jing and Xiao Changyi at all.

When Jiang Feisheng gradually fell into a disadvantage, Gong Juechen's sword suddenly turned and stabbed to Jiang Feisheng's left. Jiang Feisheng immediately used his sword to block it. Gong Juechen immediately took the opportunity to turn around and came to Jiang Feisheng's right side. He didn't know when he had two silver needles in his other hand.

Gong Juechen ruthlessly shot the silver needle into Jiang Feisheng's throat. When the two silver needles passed through Jiang Feisheng's throat, Jiang Feisheng died instantly and fell down.

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