Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1526 My husband, why didn’t you say anything?

As soon as he came back from Gong Juechen, Xiao Changyi poured himself a cup of tea, and then drained the cup of tea in one gulp.

After drinking one glass, he felt that it was not enough to suppress the anger in his heart, so Xiao Changyi poured himself another glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Jing Jing was packing her things. When she saw Xiao Changyi drinking two cups of tea as soon as he came back, she immediately laughed: "Let me tell you, if you go to him to settle the score, you are definitely going to find Qi Shou."

It’s time to pack up, there aren’t many things anyway, not to mention, there’s no rush to return to Beijing in two days.

As soon as he sat down next to Xiao Changyi, Jing Jing asked, "You didn't say anything?"


"How did you express it?" Jing Jing was immediately curious.

"Punched him and made him vomit blood."

"" Jing Jing was silent for a moment, "Are you a little too harsh?"

"That guy is not afraid of being beaten."

"Yes." After a pause, "What's the result? Didn't he listen at all?"

"He's always had his own way."

Hearing this, Jing Jing sighed: "He can't do this. It's not good for Chengyu to be more and more jealous of him."

Xiao Changyi said nothing, but poured himself another cup of tea, and then drank it. After he finished drinking, he said angrily: "He did it himself."

Jing Jing sighed again and then asked, "Did he admit it?"

"He'll admit it?"

Jing Jing immediately laughed: "That's why I didn't ask him. I knew he wouldn't admit it. He liked Ye Zhi so much that he didn't even tell the truth to Ye Zhi. He even lied to Ye Zhi that it was him who was the one who told him to hide his martial arts skills. The master felt that people's hearts were sinister and told him not to show off too much, but Ye Zhi still believed him and said he had sworn it. "

"Alas." As he spoke, Jing Jing sighed again, "It seems like he doesn't even care about gods."

Xiao Changyi only said: "I really don't want to worry about him anymore." That man is a troublemaker! It will only annoy him!

An Jing burst into laughter for a moment. Just because she knew these were her husband-in-law's angry words. Her husband-in-law was the eldest brother, and he had promised to be their adoptive father, so her husband-in-law would not leave Gong Juechen alone.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry." Jing Jing comforted. "When he returns to Beijing, Ye Zhi will get married to him. With Ye Zhi by his side day and night, he should change and won't act like this again."

"You're too optimistic."

Jing Jing laughed: "Isn't it okay if I'm not optimistic? I don't want to be as annoying as you. Okay, I'm telling you the truth. Don't be angry. He's always been like that. It's useless for you to be angry. Think more and be happy. For example, we will leave for Beijing in two days, and we will be able to see our children as soon as we return to Imperial Capital. Aren’t we very happy? "

Thinking of his four children, Xiao Changyi finally lost his anger. The corners of his thin mouth curled up slightly, and he nodded lightly: "Yes."

Immediately, Jing Jing happily talked to Xiao Changyi for a while about their four children.

Their four children wrote to them last time. Although there were only a few words, it made them very happy.

"By the way, Mr. Jing," Jing Jing suddenly remembered something, "Do you still remember Ling He? I heard that she and her son were both dead, and they were ordered to be killed by Emperor Chilin."

When Xiao Changyi took over the Chilin Palace, he knew that Linghe was dead and was played to death by the guards. However, Xiao Changyi felt that this matter was dirty, so he did not tell Jingjing to avoid dirtying Jingjing's ears.

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