Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1527 King of Side by Side

Now that Anjing knew it, Xiao Changyi did not correct Anjing, saying that Linghe was not killed, but played to death.

He just said calmly: "The evildoers will be punished." There was no need for them to take action.

Anjing saw that Xiao Changyi still hated Linghe so much that he didn't want to mention Linghe again, so he stopped mentioning Linghe. Instead, he said: "With the death of Emperor Chilin, we have avenged our four children."

The four children in their family were so frightened that they almost died, but they always remembered it.

"Yeah." Although he didn't kill Emperor Chilin with his own hands, he still felt happy that Emperor Chilin died so miserably and suffered a lot of torture before his death.

Jing Jing also thought about the torture that Emperor Chilin suffered before his death, and asked curiously: "How did Emperor Chilin get poisoned without any trouble?"

"What do you think?"

Jing Jing understood instantly, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Changyi immediately hummed: "Who else could it be besides him?"

"Is there evidence?"

"No evidence is needed for this. It's him and no one else."

"Without evidence, Chengyu has no way of knowing. Otherwise, Chengyu will be even more afraid of him."

Gong Juechen's high martial arts skills cannot be hidden, but the fact that those men in black are Gong Juechen's people, and that the Chilin Emperor was actually poisoned by Gong Juechen, no one else knows, only the two of them know.

And the two of them will help Gong Juechen hide it and will not let others know, let alone Su Chengyu.

"We definitely owed him in our previous life!" As he said this, Xiao Changyi poured himself another cup of tea and drank it in one gulp.

Jing Jing laughed: "I didn't owe him anything in my previous life." In her previous life, she didn't owe anyone anything in her world.

Hearing this, Xiao Changyi understood the meaning of Jing Jing's words and immediately changed his words: "That's what I owe him."

Jing Jing immediately joked: "Since you owe him, then accept your fate and continue to take care of him. And if I marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog, I will follow your fate."

When Xiao Changyi heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Jing Jing continued, but it was not a joke, but a blessing: "Fortunately, Chengyu promised not to kill him. Even if he does too much, it will not be a dead end, so we don't need to worry too much."


On the eighth day of September, Xiao Changyi and others left Yuncheng quietly and returned to the Imperial Capital.

After more than three months, on December 18, General Xiao Changyi returned triumphantly with his soldiers, and Emperor Su Chengyu personally led all civil and military officials to welcome him at the gate of the Imperial City.

Even though the weather was very cold that day and the north wind was howling, all the people in the Imperial City took to the streets to witness this moment.

Although the weather is bitingly cold, everyone's blood is boiling.

Not only did he avenge the national humiliation and avenge the Supreme Emperor, but he also transferred all the former Chilin's land to Xiyun. Xiyun is now the largest among all countries, and everyone is happy, proud, and proud.

As soon as Xiao Changyi entered the imperial capital, he went up to the city tower and, as General Zhulin, told Su Chengyu on the tower that they would live up to the emperor's hope and conquer Chilin and return in triumph.

Su Chengyu quickly helped Xiao Changyi, who was kneeling on one knee and clasping his fists, to stand up. After he helped Xiao Changyi up, he faced the 300,000 soldiers, civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, princes and nobles, and all the people of the Imperial City under the city tower, and said loudly: "Yi The prince's merits are as high as the sun and the moon, and his reputation spreads all over the world. No one can match him. From today on, there will be no Prince Yi, only one who can stand side by side with me, sharing the country with me, and holding the clouds in the west together."

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