Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1546 It’s all his!

"Daddy, my things, collect my things, I want to take them home, they all belong to me."

Su Yixing grabbed Xiao Changyi with one hand and spoke hurriedly. With the other hand, he pointed at the things on the table, stools, floor, boxes, cabinets, and couches. There were all kinds of things in sight, all kinds of precious and rare, and they were all from him. Collected treasures.

He has to take these home, they are all his.

Xiao Changyi said nothing, but touched Su Yixing's head.

Jing Jing smiled and said: "Xing'er, you have so many things that we can't even put our feet down. Fortunately, there are none on the bed. If there were, the six of us couldn't sleep in the same bed yesterday, and we could only put you in the bed." Throw some of these things out. But, Xing'er, you asked for these things from your second uncle, so I won't take any of them back today. I'll give them all back to your second uncle."

Su Yixing immediately said confidently: "I asked my second uncle for it, but my second uncle gave it to me. It's mine. It's mine. Of course I have to take it home."

Su Chengyu also smiled and touched Su Yixing's head. His warm eyes were full of love and doting: "Our Xing'er is right. The second uncle gave it to you. It's yours. You have to take it with you." go home."

Immediately, without waiting for An Jing and the others to speak, Su Chengyu ordered the palace people: "Hurry up and pack all the things for the third prince."

The palace people quickly started to pack up Su Yixing's treasures. After packing up the treasures, they moved them to the carriage outside Fenghua Palace.

Jing Jing was angry and funny at the same time: "Chengyu, if my Xing'er gets spoiled, it will definitely be spoiled by you, and you have to take full responsibility."

Su Chengyu's gentle face was full of smiles. While touching Su Yixing's little head, he said: "Our Xing'er will not be spoiled, right, Xing'er?"

"Yes! Second uncle, you are right!" Su Yixing nodded immediately, looking proud and determined.

Jing Jing finally couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

There was nothing he could do about his son, so Anjing didn't say anything about Su Yixing, but said to Su Chengyu: "The things you gave me are too valuable. If he asks you for something again in the future, don't give it to him. There are several rooms full of things he wants to bring.”

Before Su Chengyu could say anything, Su Yixing fell into Xiao Changyi's arms, giggling and saying, "Mother, there are many empty rooms at home, so I can just pretend."

"Hahaha" Su Chengyu laughed out loud, which was rarely amused, "Xing'er, if you have anything you want in the future, if your second uncle can give it to you, you can just ask my second uncle for it and give all the empty rooms in your house Fill it up, okay?”

"Okay! Second uncle, you are so kind! Xing'er likes you so much!" Su Yixing immediately came out of Xiao Changyi's arms, opened his arms, and asked Su Chengyu to hug him.

"Second uncle also likes Xing'er." Su Chengyu really hugged Su Yixing immediately. As soon as he hugged Su Yixing, he even bumped Su Yixing, making Su Yixing giggle.

Seeing Su Chengyu doting on her children so much, Jing Jing could only smile and sigh.

Everything was packed and moved to the carriage. The family of six could go home, but Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao had already entered the palace, one followed Xiao Changyi and the other An Jing.

Regarding the fact that Tuoba Yao was given to her as a soldier, Jing Jing had already told Su Chengyu, and Su Chengyu also agreed. Now Tuoba Yao does not have to stay in the military camp like other female soldiers.

The carriage in front is large enough for a family of six to sit inside without being crowded. The carriages in the back are all packed with belongings.

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