Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1547 You...look down on me?

Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing were riding horses, one following the left side of the carriage and the other following the right side of the carriage.

There were also more than twenty Royal Guardsmen escorting them.

It was a safe journey back to Xiyun Palace. Before Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi got off the carriage, the housekeeper of Xiyun Palace had people set off firecrackers. The firecrackers crackled and made a special celebration.

The four children are now grown children and are no longer as afraid of the sound of firecrackers as they were when they were children. Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi no longer have to cover their ears. Even when the four children see the crackling of firecrackers, they feel special when they think about it. Excited and happy.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi got off the carriage and picked up their four children.

An Yiqing was naughty, so he and Xiao Changyi hugged him out of the carriage and jumped off the carriage. As soon as he jumped off, he wanted to pick up the unfinished firecrackers on the ground, but Xiao Changyi was worried that he would be injured and refused to let him go. he goes.

With his father pulling him, An Yiqing was obedient and refused to play with firecrackers.

Xiyun Palace is much more majestic than the former Prince Yi Palace. There are two super large stone lions at the entrance. It covers an extremely large area and has tall buildings. There are even imperial guards patrolling outside Xiyun Palace to guard the safety of Xiyun Palace. It is grand yet majestic, majestic yet solemn, truly comparable to the imperial palace.

As for every scene and thing in Xiyun Palace, they are all carefully designed by skilled craftsmen.

Although Su Chengyu said that it was just an expansion because there was not enough money left in the treasury, according to Jing Jing's visual inspection, this expansion should still cost a lot of money.

But this was to show his identity. Even if Xiao Changyi didn't live here, he would still build such a mansion. Therefore, even though An Jing still felt it was a waste, he didn't say anything else.

Just stay.

It's empty anyway.

What's more, it's really safe here, and she doesn't want her four children to encounter the same thing as when they were young.

As soon as he entered Prince Xiyun's Mansion, Jing Jing asked, "Where is Miss Ye?"

The housekeeper immediately replied respectfully: "Miss Ye went out with Doctor Gong early in the morning."

Jing Jing nodded, indicating that he understood. Gong Juechen wanted to get married to Ye Zhi so much, so he must have taken Ye Zhi to find someone to see the future.

An Yiqing didn't notice Ye Zhi's absence. Instead, he followed An Jing and Xiao Changyi towards the main courtyard and said to Xiao Changyi very happily: "Dad, my second uncle said that we have built a riding range at home, where you can ride horses and shoot arrows." , I want to ride a horse, and Brother Mu Chen knows how to ride a horse. Dad, can you take me to ride a horse? "

"Okay." Xiao Changyi simply agreed as he was just taking him on a horse, not letting him ride alone.

If his son was asked to learn horse riding alone, he would never agree.

His son was only six and a half years old and had small arms and legs. It would be terrible if he fell from the horse.

Seeing that Xiao Changyi agreed, Jing, Xing and Yun also wanted Xiao Changyi to take them riding horses, and Xiao Changyi also agreed.

Seeing this scene, Jing Jing burst out laughing, pretending to be a little sad and said: "Mom can also ride a horse, why don't you let mom take the lead, but all of you have dad take the lead? Why, do you not like your mother, or do you look down on her?"

When the four children heard Anjing's news, they immediately gathered around Anjing and asked Anjing to take them to ride horses. They also told Anjing not to be sad because they liked Anjing's mother very much.

Jing Jing also knew that the four children just casually asked Xiao Changyi to teach her how to ride a horse. It was not that they disliked her or looked down upon her, but when they saw the four children surrounding her and coaxing her, they looked like they didn't want her. Although my mother looked sad, she was still very happy.

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