Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1548 You just want to play

After smiling and looking at each other with Xiao Changyi, Jing Jing agreed and said that he would take them riding with Xiao Changyi.

The four children were even happier when there was one more person to take them riding.

When the family of six returned to the main courtyard, as Su Chengyu said, the main courtyard had not changed at all. An Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, who were familiar with each other, took their four children into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, Xiao Changyi ordered Meng Zhuqing to find someone to buy a set of armor for Su Yijing.

In particular, Xiao Changyi mentioned the helmet, which must be made lighter. This was what he promised to his eldest son, but he didn't want his son to have his neck crushed while wearing a helmet.

Meng Zhuqing went to do it immediately.

Su Yijing hugged one of Xiao Changyi's legs tightly and raised his little face. It was rare that he was not smiling slightly, but his eyebrows were crooked, looking particularly happy.

Xiao Changyi was very happy to see his eldest son so happy, but he still had no expression on his face, but he gently rubbed Su Yijing's little head with his hand.

Looking at her eldest son and husband-in-law, Jing Jing's face was full of smiles. Among the four children, her eldest son is the most similar to her husband, both in appearance and personality.

An Yiqing wandered around the room, finding nothing interesting, then ran back, holding Xiao Changyi with one hand and Anjing with the other, arguing: "Ride a horse, daddy, mother, ride a horse, ride a horse."

Jing Jing suddenly laughed: "You don't want to ride a horse, you just want to play."

An Yiqing smiled playfully, "It's fun to ride horses."

Jing Jing really couldn't do anything about her children, "Well, it just so happens that dad and mom have nothing else to do, so I'll take you to go horse riding."

The four children cheered immediately.

The riding and shooting range was very large. An Anjing stood next to Tayue, and Xiao Changyi stood next to Zhuri.

The four children discussed it among themselves and decided to stay with the original team. Su Yijing and Su Yixing were led by Xiao Changyi to ride horses, while An Yiqing and An Yiyun were led by An Jing to ride horses.

But Xiao Changyi disagreed.

Feeling that An Yiqing was too naughty and afraid of being naughty while riding a horse, Xiao Changyi asked Su Yijing to follow An Jing while An Yiqing followed him.

Among the four children, An Yiqing is the most naughty. The second best person is of course Su Yixing.

The first and second skinned ones are both with Xiao Changyi. With Xiao Changyi protecting him, Anjing feels much more at ease.

She was really worried about An Yiqing and Su Yixingpi when she was riding a horse, and she couldn't control it well, causing the two children to fall.

An Jing asked An Yiyun to wait first. She took Su Yijing to ride for a while, and then took him to ride.

An Yiyun waited obediently.

Xiao Changyi asked An Yiqing to wait, and he took Su Yixing to ride the horse first, but An Yiqing was unwilling to wait, and clamored to be taken to ride first. Su Yixing was his elder brother, and when he saw An Yixing riding like this, he didn't even wait. When Xiao Changyi spoke, he took the initiative to let Xiao Changyi take An Yiqing to ride first.

Xiao Changyi was very satisfied with Su Yixing's concession to An Yiqing, and felt that Su Yixing also looked like an older brother.

An Yiqing was very happy when his second brother let him ride the horse first and was led by Xiao Changyi: "Second brother, thank you. If I see something good later, I will tell you and ask you to find someone else to ask for it." ”

Xiao Changyi: ""


Su Yixing was particularly happy: "Yeah, you must tell me so I can go and get it."

Xiao Changyi: ""


For safety reasons, Xiao Changyi asked An Yiqing to sit in front of him. He also asked Zhuri to walk very slowly. But when An Yiqing saw that Zhuri was walking, he started arguing again: "Dad, you have to run, you have to run, no." Running is not fun.”

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