Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1551 Xiao Changyi doesn’t want to lie

Su Chengyu had long heard about Gong Juechen's great martial arts skills and his killing of Chi Lin's number one master.

To be honest, Su Chengyu was a little scared.

Just because Gong Juechen was really as he thought, not that simple at all. And what he least expected was that Gong Juechen was not simple.

What he wished he knew was everything about Gong Juechen.

That way, he won't panic, fear, or worry, thinking that he and Gong Juechen will be hostile one day.


No matter what, he didn't want to see this scene, and he didn't want this to happen to him.

Xiao Changyi did not answer Su Chengyu's words. He just said: "Chenglin died in the fire a long time ago."

Su Chengyu was a little excited: "But he is not really dead! Brother Yi, I can't lie to myself that he is really dead. Even if his name is Gong Juechen now, in my eyes, he is Chenglin and Su Chenglin. "

Xiao Changyi stopped talking.

The two words "Brother Yi" reveal Su Chengyu's helplessness. Only when facing Xiao Changyi, his sworn brother, would Su Chengyu show such helplessness.

Xiao Changyi was silent for a while, and then said: "He said that his master asked him to do this. He said that his master said that people's hearts are sinister, and it is not good to show too much sharpness."

"Do you believe it?"

"I believe."

"Brother Yi, you..." Su Chengyu couldn't believe that Xiao Changyi actually believed it, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Chengyu, if you really don't want him to be hostile to you, then accept his current identity. He is Gong Juechen." After a pause, "You went too far by not promoting Ye Zhi to general."

"But I'm afraid," Su Chengyu smiled bitterly, "If he turns against him and Ye Zhi has this kind of relationship with him, will Ye Zhi help me or him? I don't dare to let Ye Zhi become a general. ”

Xiao Changyi acted as if he had not heard Su Chengyu's words and continued to say calmly: "Fortunately, you rewarded her with a lot of things, otherwise it would be chilling."

"Brother Yi"

"She didn't do anything wrong."

"I know"

"Chengyu, the old man hopes that our three brothers will work together, and I hope you will not push him to be against you."

When Su Chengyu heard Xiao Changyi's words, he fell silent. After a long time, he closed his eyes and said, "Brother Yi, I will try my best to control myself and not to doubt him."

Xiao Changyi remained silent.

Su Chengyu opened his eyes and took a sip of the cold tea. After putting down the jade cup, he changed the subject and asked: "Xiyun has been helped by men in black several times before he was able to defeat Chi Linyi. Do you know those black men?" Who are these people? And why are they helping us, Xiyun?"

Xiao Changyi lied without changing his expression: "I don't know. Every time they come without any warning, they help us win the battle and then leave without leaving any clues. There is no way to investigate."

He actually didn't want to lie.

But there was no other way. In order to prevent his younger brother from becoming more suspicious of his other younger brother, he could only tell this lie.

"Oh," Su Chengyu sighed, "Fortunately, they are helping us, Xiyun. I heard that they are all very skilled. If they are enemies of us, Xiyun, they will definitely be a big problem."

Xiao Changyi remained silent.

Su Chengyu was used to Xiao Changyi ignoring people from time to time and not saying a word, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiao Changyi's behavior.

In fact, Xiao Changyi was silent this time because he didn't know what to say. At the same time, he was also worried that if he said too much, Su Chengyu would become suspicious. He simply said nothing.

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