Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1552 Much better than she thought

As soon as he left the palace, Xiao Changyi returned to Prince Xiyun's Mansion.

Entering the main courtyard, he saw that his wife and children were not in the courtyard or in the main room, so he asked, "Where is the queen?"

Someone immediately answered respectfully: "The queen is in the study."

Xiao Changyi then went to the study.

Before he reached the door of the study, he heard the laughter of his wife and children from a distance, which instantly filled his cold eyes with warmth. Even though it was cold, his heart was warm.

Because of his wife.

Because of his children.

As soon as he entered the study, An Yiqing saw him. Immediately, An Yiqing put down the brush in his hand, jumped off the stool, and ran towards him very happily.

"Daddy, daddy, I just wrote your name, come and see." As soon as he ran to him, An Yiqing pulled him to the table and asked him to read what he had written.

Sitting around the rosewood round table were An Jing, An Yiyun, Su Yijing, Su Yixing, and An Yiqing originally, but An Yiqing had already jumped off his stool and came to pull Xiao Changyi.

There are pens, inks, paper and inkstones on the round table.

As soon as An Yiqing pulled Xiao Changyi to the table, he picked up the piece of paper on which Xiao Changyi's name was written and showed it to Xiao Changyi, with a showy look: "Dad, look, my mother said that my handwriting is neat. oh."

Compared with the previous letters An Yiqing wrote to him and his wife, the handwriting was quite neat.

Xiao Changyi took the paper and read it, then sat down on an empty round stool. As soon as An Yiqing saw it, he quickly climbed onto the round stool next to Xiao Changyi. Instead of sitting, he knelt on the stool and lay on the table. He held his little face in his hands and looked at Xiao Changyi with a smile, waiting for Xiao Changyi to praise him.

But before Xiao Changyi could praise him, he heard his second brother Su Yixing say: "Mom, I was lying to you because I was afraid of hurting you. Your handwriting is the ugliest among the four of us."

An Yiqing immediately dropped his face and said angrily to Su Yijing: "Your handwriting is beautiful, and I haven't seen the master say that your handwriting is good!"

Su Yijing was not angry, "Although Taifu didn't praise me, my handwriting is more beautiful than yours, isn't it, mother?"

Su Yijing was sitting on Anjing's left side. Hearing the words, Anjing didn't answer, but smiled and touched Su Yijing's head.

An Yiqing and Su Yixing often bickered. Xiao Changyi was used to it and didn't say anything. He just looked at the words written on the table and saw that they all had his and his wife's names on them. Then he raised his head and read. To his wife.

Jing Jing smiled and said, "I had nothing to do, so I brought the children to the study room to play. The children said they could write our names, so I asked them to do it. Don't worry, they all wrote pretty well."

Much better than she thought.

Especially the handwriting of An Yiyun and Su Yijing does not look like it was written by a six-and-a-half-year-old child at all. It is particularly neat.

Xiao Changyi glanced at his four children before picking up a writing brush and writing on a piece of paper.

The four children immediately came over to see what Xiao Changyi was writing.

Jing Jing also looked here curiously.

Xiao Changyi didn't write anything else, just the names of the six members of his family. Every word was so vigorous and powerful that people could feel the momentum as soon as they saw the word.

An Yiyun looked at Xiao Changyi with admiration, "I knew that dad's handwriting is the most beautiful!"

Jing Xingqing and the other three also looked at Xiao Changyi with admiration.

Seeing her four children like this, Jing Jing held back her laughter and said deliberately: "Your father still thinks that mother's handwriting is the prettiest, right, husband?"

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