Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1557 I want you to take care of it!

Su Yijing immediately replied firmly: "Jing'er can do it!"

Xiao Changyi's cold eyes were filled with satisfaction for an instant. This is his son, his eldest son. He is looking forward to this son growing up, being able to shoulder the responsibility of the family, and assuming the responsibilities that an eldest son should bear.

He and his wife will always grow old.

He hoped that when he and his wife were old, he, the eldest son, could take care of the family so that the people in their family would not be bullied by anyone like they are now.

That day and night.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi no longer plan to sleep with the children and let the children sleep in their own rooms.

Su Yijing, Su Yixing, and An Yiyun all had no objections, but An Yiqing had a particularly strong objection.

"Father, mother, you don't have to sleep with us, but can you let me sleep in separate rooms with my eldest brother, second brother, and fourth brother? I'm an older child now, so I can sleep alone!"

Before Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi spoke, Su Yixing saw why An Yiqing was acting like this, and immediately laughed and said, "You are just afraid that big brother will punish you, haha."

"I want you to take care of it!" An Yiqing immediately glared at Su Yixing.

Jing Jing also felt that An Yiqing was doing it for this, so he said: "Qing'er, if you don't be naughty, your elder brother won't teach you a lesson. You are only six and a half years old now. It's better to sleep with your elder brother and younger brother. You can sleep with me at night." It’s convenient for dad to visit you, as he doesn’t have to run from room to room.”

"Mother" An Yiqing looked like she was about to cry. He really doesn't want to sleep in the same room with his eldest brother. His eldest brother is really too scary. He was most afraid of not being able to sleep well.

If he doesn't sleep well, he will be out of shape for several days and just want to sleep.

Jing Jing refused to let go, and still said, "You don't want skin."

An Yiqing could only ask Xiao Changyi for help. He looked at Xiao Changyi very pitifully: "Daddy"

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything to An Yiqing and directly asked Su Yijing to take his three younger brothers back to their room to sleep.

An Yiqing: ""

Su Yijing asked his three younger brothers to go back to the room. Su Yixing and An Yiyun went back to the room obediently, but An Yiqing was disobedient and hugged An Jing's legs tightly and refused to go back to the room to sleep. It shows how much he wants to sleep in a separate room with his eldest brother Su Yijing.

Jing Jing looked at her third son, who was hugging her leg tightly, and felt funny.

Su Yijing didn't care whether An Yiqing wanted it or not. As soon as he walked to An Yiqing's side, he opened An Yiqing's two small hands that were tightly holding An Jing's legs. Once they were released, he pulled An Yiqing. Go back to your room.

After all, he was his eldest brother. No matter how stubborn An Yiqing was, he would not fight against his eldest brother, so he could only be brought into the room so forcefully.

Seeing An Yiqing being pulled into the room with a hopeless look, Jing Jing finally couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

"My lord, Qing'er has met her nemesis."

While Xiao Changyi led An Jing back to the room, he said calmly: "If Qing'er doesn't treat Jing'er as his eldest brother, Jing'er won't be able to control him at all."

Jing Jing nodded in agreement: "Yes, Qing'er is not bad at all, just too naughty."

There were no four children sleeping together. That night, Xiao Changyi gave An Jing a hard time before falling asleep with An Jing.

The New Year is almost here, and the hostess An Jing has already prepared the New Year's goods.

Anjing Jing also asked the accountant to pay the monthly payment in advance, and also gave everyone some reward money, so that everyone in the Xiyun Prince's Mansion could have a good year.

On December 28th, it rarely snowed, and it was still a heavy snowfall.

It has been two years since it snowed in the Imperial Capital. Now that it is snowing, everyone thinks it is auspicious snow. The people will definitely have a good harvest in the coming year.

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