Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1558 Xiao Changyi’s face turned dark

It only rained for one night, and everything was covered in silver. The sky and the earth were completely white, and everything that caught the eye was silver.

The thick snow makes a crunching sound when people step on it.

After breakfast, An Yiqing couldn't sit still and ran out of the house to play in the snow in the yard. Immediately, Jing, Xing, and Yun also went out to play in the snow. You hit me with snow, and I hit you with snow. The four of them had a great time.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were originally worried that the four children would be caught in the cold and did not want them to play. However, when they found that the children's hands were warm and would not touch them, they allowed the four children to play in the yard. Deep snow.

Seeing that the children were having so much fun, Jing Jing stopped watching with Xiao Changyi and joined in, playing in the snow with the children.

Xiao Changyi was still standing aside, even though his face was still expressionless, his eyes looking at his wife and children were becoming more and more gentle and doting.

At that time, Wang Youbao and Li Wuyu came with their son Wang Haomiao.

Wang Hao is tall, fair and tender, and his temperament was inherited from his father Wang Youbao. In addition, he was well-educated. Even though he is only more than three years old, he is very obedient and well-behaved, and he can do whatever he wants.

An Yiyun liked Wang Haomiao very much and felt that Wang Haomiao was really well-behaved, much better than him. Then, he came and took Wang Haomiao's children to play in the snow.

Not long after Wang Youbao and Li Wuyu arrived, Gong Juese also came with her son.

Gong Juese and Meng Lanqing's son is named Meng Sibo, nicknamed Tuanzi. Even though he is more than four years old, he is still as chubby as when he was a baby. He is really so fat that his flesh and bones are missing.

"Fat Fat!" As soon as An Yiqing saw Meng Sibo, he threw a small snowball at Meng Sibo.

"Brother Qing!" Meng Sibo was not annoyed, and ran towards An Yiqing very happily to play with An Yiqing.

Gong Juese was a little angry that An Yiqing called her son Fatty, but she was even more angry that her son didn't care at all. He also particularly liked An Yiqing and clamored to come and play with An Yiqing every day.

Jing Jing also felt that it was not good for An Yiqing to give Meng Sibo a nickname like this. Even though she had said it to An Yiqing many times, she couldn't help but said again today: "Qing'er, you are not allowed to call you Sibo again." Brother Bo is getting fat!"

Before An Yiqing could say anything, the chubby Meng Sibo said in a sweet voice: "Auntie, fat sounds nice. I like Brother Qing to be called that."


Gong Juese wanted to scold her son for being stupid, but she couldn't bear to scold him, so she just let it go and let An Yiqing call her son fat. Anyway, dumplings also mean fat.

"Pangpang, look at me!" An Yiqing was not affected by An Jing's words at all and turned two somersaults on the thick snow.

Meng Sibo was so amused that he immediately slapped his chubby little hand happily and praised: "Brother Qing is awesome. So awesome."

Watching this scene quietly, she didn't understand why Meng Sibo liked the naughty An Yiqing so much.

Wang Youbao looked at Meng Sibo as if he were seeing his former self. He felt very warm and immediately gave Meng Sibo a big red envelope.

Jing Jing only found it funny.

At this time, An Yiyun came over with the extremely well-behaved kid Wang Haomiao. He raised his little face and smiled at Jingjing: "Mother, Miao Miao is really good and well-behaved. If Yun'er had someone like Miao Miao, It’s good to have such a good brother.”

Hearing this, Xiao Changyi's face turned dark instantly.

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