Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1567 Are you...really sure?

Gong Juechen also saw that she was not a little nervous, but very nervous, so he said: "I will be very gentle and won't-"

"Shut up!" Ye Zhi opened his mouth and yelled at Gong Juechen, not letting Gong Juechen continue to speak. And her face was already red.

Gong Juechen knew that she understood, so he really didn't say anything obediently, but looked at Ye Zhi with a smile.

Ye Zhi felt that something was wrong all over her body. She lowered her head and looked at the ground. She made ink marks for a long time before she suddenly felt relieved, closed her eyes, raised her chin, and said bravely: "Come on, let's have a wedding!"

They all require holes anyway, so dragging them down is of no use.

Gong Juechen's peach blossom eyes were full of smiles. She came closer to Ye Zhi, put her lips on Ye Zhi's lips and smiled softly: "Zhizhi, are you really sure?"

Ye Zhi's lips trembled slightly, and her heart beat violently. Immediately, she became angry from embarrassment. As soon as she opened her eyes, she grabbed Gong Juechen by the lapel of his clothes and dragged Gong Juechen towards the bed, and then heaped Gong Juechen on the bed.

Ye Zhi casually took off her coat and sat on Gong Juechen. Then, she lowered her head domineeringly and kissed Gong Juechen's lips.

Gong Juechen held back his laughter.

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Zhizhi, you said before that I can only chew. I think you are the one."

Ye Zhi froze. After a long while, he said: "Then we won't kiss you. You and I don't know how to do it anyway!"

Gong Juechen felt like he had shot himself in the foot, so he quickly said with a playful smile: "I have read a lot of books these days, and I should know a lot about it. Let me teach you."

Ye Zhi looked at him with disdain for a moment. She knew without even thinking what books he was talking about.

Gong Juechen didn't care, but turned over, pressed Ye Zhi under him, and then kissed Ye Zhi's lips.

Ye Zhi subconsciously wanted to hide, but thinking that they were already married, there was no need, so she forced herself to let Gong Juechen kiss her.

After a while, Ye Zhi became angry and kicked Gong Juechen out of bed. She stood on the bed and cursed: "Are you sure you read the book and didn't practice it with others?"

Obviously before, he only knew how to nibble on her, but now he is so skillful at kissing her! Definitely find someone to practice!

How could Gong Juechen say that he was too excited when he bit her before, and let her misunderstand him just to tease her? He just silently walked to the top cabinet, took out a small box from the cabinet, and then took Ye In front of Ye Zhi, he opened the small box and let Ye Zhi see it.

Ye Zhi looked at the many books in the small box, one of which was still open. Through the open book, Ye Zhi could see what was drawn on the book, and Ye Zhi immediately blushed.

This stuff is real

"Zhizhi, I spent a lot of money to buy these. Look, the people on them are all painted, they are very lifelike."

Before Gong Juechen finished speaking, Ye Zhi blushed and scolded: "Shut up!" After a pause, "Take these away quickly! If you let me see them again, I will burn them all for you!"

"Oh." Gong Juechen suppressed a smile and obediently closed the small box again and put it back into the top cabinet.

Turning around again, he saw his Zhizhi lying on the bed in a large shape, with her eyes pressed tightly, as if she was about to go to the guillotine.

Gong Juechen almost laughed out loud. His Zhizhi looks so cute now!

The red candles were swaying. On the big day, the red candles had to be lit until dawn. Gong Juechen knew that, so naturally he would not put out the candles.

Gong Juechen walked towards the bed step by step, towards the person he loved step by step, thinking in his heart: "I will not let you down in this life, I hope you can accompany me throughout this life."

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