Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1568 Just gone?

Until now, Gong Juechen had not exposed the fact that Ye Zhi was not from here.

Because of this, Gong Juechen has always been worried that Ye Zhi will leave him at any time. Now, Gong Juechen's only wish is that Ye Zhi can grow old hand in hand with him.

When Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi became one, Gong Juechen almost begged in Ye Zhi's ear: "Zhi Zhi, promise me that you will never leave me, never."

At this time, Ye Zhi had no intention of paying attention to what Gong Juechen said was wrong. She just agreed in a confused and haphazard way.

Finally, Gong Juechen smiled. Watching the thousands of fireworks with Ye Zhi, they all bloomed in their eyes, minds, and hearts.

The next day, Ye Zhi woke up and saw Gong Juechen sitting on the bed with scissors, not knowing what to cut.

Thinking that the two of them had become a real couple last night, Ye Zhi's face instantly became hot and she felt a little embarrassed.

But seeing that there were no sheets on the bed, and what Gong Juechen was cutting seemed to be sheets, she was very puzzled. Even though she was a little embarrassed, she still got up and put on her clothes and asked, "What are you doing cutting sheets?"

Only then did Gong Juechen realize that she was awake. He turned around, pressed her down and gave her a big kiss. Then he said happily: "This has your red hair on it. I'll cut it off and make it a souvenir."

Ye Zhi was originally kissed and even more embarrassed, but when she heard Gong Juechen's words, her face became even redder. At the same time, she became angry and without saying a word, she grabbed the sheets and snatched the scissors from Gong Juechen's hand. .

Then, she cut into pieces the bloody parts of the sheet.

"Zhizhi" Gong Juechen looked sadly at the shredded fabric that Ye Zhi had cut.

What a commemorative thing, just gone.

Ye Zhi glared at him fiercely. This guy was so bad at times that she really wanted to beat him to death.

On the third day after Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen got married, Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen came to Xiyun Palace. Firstly, it was for Ye Zhi to return home, and secondly, Ye Zhi asked to be quiet if she had something to do.

When Jing Jing heard what Ye Zhi wanted to ask her to do, she immediately persuaded her to stay: "Ye Zhi, there is really no need for you to leave the military camp."

From An Jing's words, we know that Ye Zhi asked An Jing to tell Su Chengyu that she no longer wanted to be the deputy general, and Gong Juechen no longer wanted to be the military doctor, hoping that Su Chengyu, the emperor, would give his permission.

Gong Juechen was sitting next to Ye Zhi, throwing peanuts into his mouth and eating them from time to time.

As soon as he heard An Jing's words, before Ye Zhi could say anything, Gong Juechen said casually: "I used to be this military doctor because of Zhizhi. Now that Zhizhi is leaving the military camp, I naturally won't be this military doctor either." Leaving the military camp, Jingjing, we had already agreed on this at the beginning. Furthermore, he would not be relieved that I was in the military camp. Now that Zhizhi is married to me, he should not be relieved of Zhizhi either. It would be better for Zhizhi and I to leave the military camp. From now on, Zhizhi and I will have a good life of our own. If you wish us well, it's better to do it. "

Jing Jing looked at Xiao Changyi first, and then sighed: "Okay, I will go to the palace tomorrow and talk to Cheng Yu about this."

The next day, An Jing entered the palace and told Su Chengyu about the matter.

When Su Chengyu heard this, he immediately fell into silence. After a long while, he closed his eyes and said, "It's okay if they're not in the military camp."

After a pause, "Sister-in-law, I want to meet Chenglin."

Jing Jing's mood was very complicated, but he still nodded and said softly: "Let your brother Yi take him into the palace to see you tomorrow."

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