Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1581 Serious joy

When the sun was about to set, An Jing and Xiao Changyi wanted Meng Zhuqing to send the four children to the palace as before, so that the four children would not have to get up early to go to school in the palace tomorrow.

But the four children were unwilling to go.

In fact, the four children were still willing to get up early to go to the palace. They also said that they wanted to go home to see An Jing, their mother, after school every day, and stay at home every day, wanting to see An Jing's mother's belly grow little by little, wanting to see the birth of their younger brothers and sisters.

Seeing that the children wanted it very much, An Jing and Xiao Changyi agreed.

However, they were worried that it would be too hard for the children to get up early every day to go to school in the palace, so from time to time, An Jing and Xiao Changyi would go to the palace to live for a while so that the children would not have to get up so early.

When An Jing was pregnant, not only did her husband spoil her, but also her four children spoiled her, trying every way to make her happy, for fear that she would be unhappy at all.

Anyway, An Jing was happy, and happy.

Until one day, she had morning sickness symptoms, vomiting non-stop, even if there was nothing in her stomach, she was still vomiting.

She was so uncomfortable.

She couldn't eat anything, because she would vomit as soon as she ate, but for the sake of the baby in her belly, she had to eat.

During her first pregnancy, An Jing also had morning sickness, but it was only very mild, not so serious at all.

Now An Jing is like this, which really scared Xiao Changyi and the four children.

The four children surrounded An Jing who was still retching non-stop, and their little hands pulled An Jing's clothes. They were all anxious and crying, fearing that An Jing, the mother, was in trouble.

An Jing was retching, and she wanted to comfort the four children, asking them not to cry and saying that she was fine, but she had no time to comfort them, so she could only let the four children cry like this.

Xiao Changyi had called the imperial doctors when An Jing was vomiting, and the four imperial doctors were standing by. The four imperial doctors were used to the symptoms of morning sickness, and many people were like An Jing now, so the four imperial doctors didn't think it was a big deal.

Even though he heard the four imperial doctors say it was normal, Xiao Changyi was still worried and asked someone to find Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen also said it was normal, and said: "I have seen people with more severe morning sickness than Jingjing, it is really normal."

Xiao Changyi was still not at all worried, but he did not let other doctors see him. He just comforted his four children while taking care of Anjing who was still retching.

Until Anjing stopped vomiting and rinsed her mouth, Xiao Changyi helped Anjing to walk towards the inner room.

Anjing's body was limp from vomiting. When she entered the inner room, almost all of her body weight leaned on Xiao Changyi. Xiao Changyi simply picked up Anjing horizontally and carried Anjing into the inner room.

Then, he put Anjing on the bed.

The four children followed into the inner room with red eyes.

"You are all scared." Anjing looked at her husband and four children apologetically.

Xiao Changyi said nothing, just sat by the bed, looking at Anjing closely.

The four children stood by the bed. Although they stopped crying, their eyes were red.

They all looked at An Jing.

Even An Yiyun choked up and asked, "Mom, will you be okay? Yun'er doesn't want you to be in trouble."

"Silly child, Mom will be fine," An Jing coaxed softly, "Didn't you hear what the imperial doctor and your uncle Chen said? Mom, this is a normal reaction of pregnancy, so don't worry."

An Yiyun choked up even more: "Mom, it's so hard to carry a baby. Yun'er doesn't want brothers and sisters. Mom, can you not be pregnant? Yun'er doesn't want you to be like this."

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