Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1582 Lost a lot of weight

The other three children also choked with sobs and said they didn't want An Jing to have a baby.

Jing Jing couldn't laugh or cry, but she was very touched: "If you're pregnant, you're pregnant. You have to be pregnant. Jing'er, Xing'er, Qing'er, Yun'er, you all should be good, don't cry, you crying mother is in such a happy mood. It’s not going to be good, it might make you vomit even more.”

The four children immediately wiped their eyes with their little hands, fearing that tears would flow out and their mother would be in a bad mood and make her vomit even more violently.

Jing Jing was very pleased.

Xiao Changyi first looked at An Jing distressedly, and then said to the four children: "Your mother worked so hard when she was pregnant with you. You must be filial to your mother in the future."

The four children immediately nodded heavily: "Yes, we will be filial to our mother! We will also be filial to our father!"

Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing were both very pleased.

"Would you like something to eat?" Xiao Changyi asked the pale Jing Jing softly.

Jing Jing was very weak, but nodded: "Yes."

In order for the child in her belly to get adequate nutrition, she would still eat even if she vomited as soon as she ate and felt extremely uncomfortable. As long as she eats, even if she vomits, the child in her belly will always get some nutrition.

Sour plums can still relieve Anjing's vomiting. When Xiao Changyi feeds Anjing to eat, he also feeds Anjing some sour plums.

Jing Jing's severe joy lasted for about twenty days. She lost a lot of weight, which made Xiao Changyi and her children feel bad. Xiao Changyi and her four children all lost a lot of weight along with her.

After the fifth day of March, Jing Jing was no longer so unhappy, but she was still a little unhappy.

Because Anjing no longer vomited everything he ate, but would occasionally vomit, Xiao Changyi thought of various ways to nourish Anjing, and the four children also coaxed Anjing to eat here and there.

There were some things that Anjing didn't really want to eat, but for the sake of the child in her belly, Anjing ate them anyway.

Before An Jing gained any weight, Liu Buli and Liu Feifei were finally getting married.

Today is the tenth day of March.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi came to attend the wedding of Liu Feifei and Liu Buli.

Not long after the banquet started, Anjing felt a little vomiting, and then Xiao Changyi took Anjing back to Prince Xiyun's Mansion.

At noon the next day, Wang Youbao sent someone to inform Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi that Li Wuyu was two months pregnant. He also said that he had informed Su Chengyu and Su Chengyu had granted leave for Li Wuyu to have the baby at home.

Within two days, Meng Lanqing came to tell Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi that Gong Juese was also pregnant, and she was also two months pregnant.

Finally, on this day, March 15th, with the unremitting efforts of Xiao Changyi and his four children, An Jing was able to gain some muscle back. Xiao Changyi and his four children were very happy.

An Jing is also very happy. If she is not healthy, how can the child in her belly be healthy?

"Jingjing, I'm here to take your pulse again. You are already more than two months pregnant. Logically speaking, I should be able to figure out how many pregnant women you have today." Before anyone arrived, Gong Juechen's loud voice Come first.

Hearing the sound, Anjing, who was drinking old hen soup, looked towards the door and saw Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi walking in hand in hand.

Jing Jing immediately smiled and said: "Yi Zi, you are no longer taboo now, you are holding hands like me and my husband."

Ye Zhi immediately snorted, "If I had taboos, I would have killed him long ago when he went around saying that I was his future wife."

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