Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1583 Get down to business quickly

As soon as he heard Ye Zhi say that he was killed with one knife, Gong Juechen said: "Zhi Zhi, don't be so cruel, you are obviously very gentle at night -".

Before Gong Juechen finished speaking, Ye Zhi raised his hand and said fiercely: "Say, keep talking, or you will die if I slap you!"

This guy is really like his sister sometimes. He doesn't know what to say. He says everything without even checking whether he can say something!

Gong Juechen quickly shook his head to express that he would not say anything, and looked at Ye Zhi pitifully, hoping that Ye Zhi would let him go and forgive him this time.

He was so habitually garrulous that he said these words without thinking. It was not what he wanted to say.

Ye Zhi had no intention of hitting Gong Juechen. Gong Juechen was also her husband-in-law now, so how could she hit Gong Juechen easily? Therefore, when Gong Juechen shook his head to say no, she put down her raised eyebrow. hand.

Seeing Gong Juechen being submissive to Ye Zhizhi, Jing Jing found it funny and joked: "Gong Juechen, Ye Zi is so cruel to you, do you regret marrying Ye Zi?"

Gong Juechen immediately said angrily: "Jingjing, how could I regret marrying my Zhizhi! I will never regret it! Besides, beating is love, scolding is love. The more my Zhizhi treats me like this, the more It means she loves me! It’s not too late for me to be happy!”

Ye Zhi's mouth twitched as she listened. However, she did not retort loudly.

Jing Jing also knew that Gong Juechen was in love with Ye Zhi, so he stopped joking. She especially hopes that Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi can be happy. Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi are very happy now, and she hopes this happiness can last forever.

As soon as he sat down, Gong Juechen picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of warm tea for Ye Zhi. He was particularly attentive and said, "Zhizhi, you are thirsty, drink tea."

Ye Zhi naturally took the tea handed to her by Gong Juechen and said, "Get down to business."

"Oh oh." Gong Juechen then turned to look at Jingjing again, "Jingjing, stretch out your hand, I want to take your pulse. My Zhizhi has been thinking about this in the past few days and wants to see if you are pregnant. how many."

Only then did Xiao Changyi take the soup bowl from An Jing's hand.

Jing Jing handed the soup bowl to Xiao Changyi and then stretched out one of his hands.

Ye Zhi drank tea and said with a smile: "I made a bet with him. I said you were pregnant with six, and he said you were pregnant with eight."

Xiao Changyi: ""You two have crow mouths! Shut it now!

Jing Jing didn't really care about the bet between Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen. She just smiled and said, "If I were really pregnant with that much, wouldn't the children I gave birth to be as small as mice?"

Gong Juechen burst into tears and said, "Jingjing, if I guess you are pregnant with eight children, Chang Yi will definitely beat me to death."

Jing Jing immediately spoke for her husband, "No."

Gong Juechen said: "Why not? Look at the way he looks at me now, as if he wants to kill me."

Jing Jing looked at Xiao Changyi and saw Xiao Changyi looking at Gong Juechen with cold eyes. She immediately laughed and said, "My husband-in-law is worried about me, afraid that I will suffer so much."

Ye Zhi said enviously: "Boss, my brother-in-law is so kind to you."

Gong Juechen had already put the handkerchief on Jing Jing's wrist and was about to take Jing Jing's pulse. When he heard Ye Zhi's words, he immediately turned around, feeling a little dissatisfied and feeling that he had not done a good job: "Zhi Zhi, I don't treat you well." Okay?"

Ye Zhi was stunned for a moment. After a long while, he responded vaguely, "Yeah, okay."

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