Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1707 I’m not sick and don’t need treatment

Before, her husband said that he would be full after eating only a few bites. She thought that he had no appetite because he had not found her. When she returned to him, the first meal she had with him was breakfast. Seeing that he ate little, she did not care too much.

When they had the second meal together

She could not help but care! Her husband ate too little! He said he was full after only a few bites, and he could not force himself to eat. If he ate a little more, he would feel uncomfortable.

An Jing was worried and upset. What could she do? Her husband was obviously unhealthy now.

And she hoped that her husband would be healthy.

Seeing that An Jing was very worried about his lack of food, Xiao Changyi picked up the chopsticks without hesitation and planned to eat more. As long as his wife was happy, he would not care even if he felt uncomfortable after eating.

But An Jing stopped him.

"Husband, forget it, don't eat." An Jing snatched his chopsticks. She knew that he would feel uncomfortable if he ate more. Before, she didn't know he would feel uncomfortable, and she forced him to eat more. He ate, but his stomach felt uncomfortable. She was so distressed at that time.

"Then don't be unhappy."

"I'm not unhappy either, I'm just worried about you." After saying that, An Jing sighed. "Since you can't eat more in one meal, let's eat more meals and try it first. Maybe this way will work."

After a pause, she said, "When we go back, I'll ask Gong Juechen to see you and see how you can be cured."


Xiao Changyi was silent for a moment, then said, "I'm not sick, I don't need treatment." He just can't eat much at each meal now. He really thinks he has no problem.

"Look at how thin you are?! Even if you are not sick, you will have problems with being thin! No, you have to listen to me on this matter!" An Jing looked like there was no room for negotiation.

Xiao Changyi also knew that An Jing was worried about him, so he agreed with An Jing, "Yeah."

An Jing looked at Xiao Changyi's thin and handsome face. After a while, she put down the chopsticks in her hand, held Xiao Changyi's hand, and blamed herself: "Husband, it's all my fault. I fell into Dongfang Tianyang's trap. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be like this."

It has been a month since she returned to her husband's side. The cut on her husband's back has healed, and she also learned from Tuoba Yao and others that her husband couldn't eat before and would vomit as soon as he ate.

She felt more and more distressed the more she thought about it.

Hearing this, Xiao Changyi immediately shook his head: "It's my fault that I didn't protect you well."

"It was obviously my own negligence. I easily fell into someone's trap. Why are you still competing with me?" An Jing felt helpless and sweet.

"Then don't talk about this anymore. In my eyes, even if you are wrong, it's my fault." Xiao Changyi was so serious.

"Hahaha——" An Jing couldn't control herself and laughed. Especially happy and sweet.

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything, just looked at her and laughed, as if he could never see enough.

After she stopped laughing, An Jing said, "Fortunately, Dongfang Tianyang didn't do anything crazy to Xiaolan."

At this moment, An Jing was really grateful for this.

If Dongfang Tianyang's people didn't look for Shi Xiaolan in her name, but directly attacked Shi Xiaolan and asked Shi Xiaolan for the hairpin, she would definitely hate Dongfang Tianyang even more.

She didn't want her affairs to affect Shi Xiaolan's peaceful and happy life.

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