Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1708 As long as you are by my side, anywhere is home

Xiao Changyi still didn't speak, just continued to look at An Jing.

Jing Jing continued: "But now Xiaolan should know our identities. If we go back in the future, not only Xiaolan, but also the people in Anjia Village in Jiuping Village will definitely salute us."

Before, the whole of Xiyun was looking for her, going from house to house. Her portraits were plastered all over Xiyun. Even if Shi Xiaolan stayed in Jiuping Village, it would be difficult not to know.

"Ah" Jing Jing suddenly raised his head and let out a long sigh. "Originally, I was thinking that since Chengyu and the others don't need us anymore, I would go back there to take care of themselves. Now, I feel like it's not good to go back there."

Xiao Changyi said: "Then we won't go back there to retire. As long as we are together, where is home?"

Jing Jing was instantly sweetened, with a smile on her face: "You are right, when our three little beauties grow up, we will go back to see Xiao Lan, and then we will find a good place where they don't know us. , build a few simple houses for the two of us to take care of ourselves.”

If they go back to the Sixteenth Town, people will salute them wherever they go. What's the difference between them and the Imperial Capital?

And she and he just want to live an ordinary, simple life without fighting against the world, without worries.

"Yeah." Xiao Changyi nodded. What he said was true, as long as she was by his side, anywhere was his home.

Jing Jing smiled sweetly at Xiao Changyi again, and then said: "Forget it, let's talk about the future later. Let's talk about business first. Why did the leading masked man tell us not to take action for the time being?"

Originally, her husband was planning to take action against Dongfang Tianyang after he recovered from his injury, but the leading masked man told them not to take any action for the time being.

And out of trust in Gong Juechen, they listened to the leading masked man.

Xiao Changyi said: "Didn't Meng Lanqing and Se Se secretly go to the streets to inquire about information? They said that people in Dongqing Imperial City were panicked, and there were also rumors that the troops of several cities in Dongqing were quickly wiped out. Maybe this is true. "

Jing Jing frowned: "Are you saying that the destruction of troops in other cities in Dongqing was related to these masked men?"

Xiao Changyi nodded.

"Gong Juechen" Anjing didn't know what to say anymore. The more she thought about Gong Juechen, the more terrifying she felt. How big is this power?

Xiao Changyi remained silent.

After a long moment of silence, Anjing spoke again, "If that's true, then the leading masked man told us not to take action for the time being. He just asked us to wait until they wipe out all Dongqing's troops."

Xiao Changyi said: "There are only seven of us now. If Gong Juechen doesn't want anything to happen to us, that should be the case."

In a quiet moment, I didn't know what to say.

At this moment, there was a knock on the secret room door, and at the same time, Meng Zhuqing's voice came in: "Master, Madam, Qin Er is back."

Jing Jing immediately said: "Let him come in."


Meng Zhuqing took the order, and after a while, the stone door of the secret room was pushed open, and Qin Er hurriedly walked in.

As soon as he came in, Qin Er respectfully clasped his fists at Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi: "Master, Madam."

"Qin Er, how did you find this?" Jing Jing asked. She had heard from her husband that Qin Er had already sent a message to Qi Tengfei when a hundred thousand troops were encircling them.

The reason why Qin Yi failed to leave and stayed in Dongqing was because someone was following Qin Yi. Qin Yi found out that their whereabouts might be exposed, so he came back and hurriedly informed Xiao Changyi that they were evacuating.

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