Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1709 It’s not me who thinks about it, it’s him who thinks about it

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

As soon as they left the inn, they encountered Dongfang Tianchong leading cavalry to surround them.

If it weren't for the help of the masked man, they would have died in Dongqing Imperial City.

When Qin Er heard An Jing's question, he respectfully replied: "The martial law in Dongqing Imperial City is very tight now, and it is difficult to get in and out. Someone helped me disguise myself and let me enter the city. My subordinate entered the city." , there was also a masked man who came to help the subordinates and brought them down here, saying that the master and his wife are here now. "

Jing Jing understood, nodded, and then asked, "Has your letter been delivered to General Qi?"

Qin Er said: "It has been delivered. General Qi has already led his troops to attack Dongqing. However, it is strange that General Qi has not attacked yet. All the Dongqing troops near Beihe have been destroyed. General Qi is like Entering uninhabited land, we have already captured five cities in Dongqing without spending a single soldier."

"Do you know who destroyed it?"

"I heard from the people in those cities that they were killed by some masked men, and they don't know who those masked men are."

"What happened to the people in those cities?" The people were innocent. She hoped that nothing would happen to the people.

"Nothing happened. Even the Dongqing troops in those cities were wiped out."

Jing Jing nodded, indicating that he understood.

Xiao Changyi didn't say a word to Qin Er from beginning to end.

But Qin Er continued: "When my subordinates wrote to General Qi, General Qi told his subordinates that the emperor had sent General Liu Buli to lead 300,000 troops to attack Dongqing. It should be possible in a few days. Join General Qi."

Qi Tengfei had 200,000 soldiers and horses, and Liu Buli brought another 300,000. It seemed that Su Chengyu already knew that he and his wife were in Dongqing, so he made this move.

Xiao Changyi felt relieved and finally said: "If you let the masked man take you out again, you can notify Liu Buli and Qi Tengfei and ask them to surround Dongqing from all sides and approach Dongqing Imperial City to prevent other countries from attacking. I’m coveting a chance.”


After Qin Er went out, Anjing smiled at Xiao Changyi and said, "Ms., are you going to take down the Dongqing?"

Xiao Changyi corrected: "It's not me who wants it, it's Chengyu who wants it." After a pause, "Maybe it's not Chengyu who wants it, but Gong Juechen who wants to give the dong chime to Chengyu."

After another pause, Xiao Changyi said again: "Furthermore, if something happens to the childless Dongfang Tianyang, Dongqing will be in chaos. Rather than letting other countries take this advantage, it is better for us Xiyun to take advantage of it. At least, we The Lord of Xiyun is kind-hearted and will be kind to the people of Dongqing.”

Jing Jing nodded in agreement.

Five days later, Liu Buli and Qi Tengfei met.

On the same day, Liu Buli and Qi Tengfei received Qin Er's message, which was the king's order. Immediately, they divided their army into all directions to attack Dongqing in all directions.

Liu Buli and Qi Tengfei originally thought it would be a tough battle, but unexpectedly, every time they attacked a city, the troops in that city were wiped out by the masked men before the city was attacked. They did not have to attack at all, they only used Just accept it.

In less than a month, Liu Buli and Qi Tengfei had already arrived at the gate of Dongqing Imperial City. The army was stationed around Dongqing Imperial City and surrounded the entire Dongqing Imperial City.

Today, November 20th, the weather is very cold, but the secret room is not cold, it is quite warm.

As soon as the Right Protector saw that Liu Buli and Qi Tengfei's troops had arrived, he sent someone to notify the Feng Hall Master.

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