Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1710 All mixed in

As soon as Hall Master Feng received the news, he informed Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi: "Master Xiao, Mrs. An, Liu Buli and Qi Tengfei have arrived at the city. I hope you will order them to attack the imperial city at noon the next day."

Jing Jing hesitated a little: "Dongfang Tianyang has abandoned his chariot to protect the commander. There are many troops in this imperial city. Is it inappropriate to attack rashly?"

Hall Master Feng immediately said: "Mrs. An, don't worry, there are quite a few of us in this city, and they have all been mixed into Dongfang Tianyang's troops. When the time comes, we will help you, cooperate inside and outside, and we will definitely be able to capture this imperial city."

mix all in

Jing Jing: ""Can you stop being so outrageous?

Xiao Changyi finally spoke, but it was an order: "Meng Zhuqing, go and pass on my order to attack the city at noon the day after tomorrow. If you go, you don't have to come back. You can help them attack the city together."

"Yes!" Meng Zhuqing immediately accepted the order.

Hall Master Feng said: "In fact, Mr. Xiao and Mrs. An can also go and take a look." After a pause, "The tunnel leading to the outside of the city has been dug. It is very convenient to go out now."



Even though Xiao Changyi was not overjoyed or angry, he was slightly stunned at this time. He then stood up, holding An Jing's hand, and the Master of Feng Hall led the way to the tunnel.

Meng Zhuqing, Tuoba Yao and others all followed Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing.

And on the other side of the stone door of the innermost secret room under the brothel, there is actually an tunnel

But if you want to open the stone door of the secret room, you cannot open it at all unless you know where the door is.

As soon as the Master of Feng Hall opened the stone door, he saw the secret passage. The secret passage leads directly to the outside of the city. They passed through the secret passage unimpeded and exited the Dongqing Imperial City from the secret room of the brothel.

As soon as they came out of the secret passage and stood outside Dongqing Imperial City, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi had only one thought in their minds: maybe this is not Gong Juechen's true strength. Perhaps Gong Juechen's strength is more terrifying than this.

When Qi Tengfei, Liu Buli and other soldiers saw Xiao Changyi, they saluted Xiao Changyi: "See you, Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty."

Xiao Changyi didn't waste any words and directly ordered to attack Dongqing Imperial City at noon the next day.

He also ordered Qi Weimeng to lead a group of people through the tunnel and into the imperial city, so that they could better coordinate internally and externally.

Hall Master Feng was standing next to Xiao Changyi. When he heard that Xiao Changyi wanted to use the tunnel, he laughed: "Young Master Xiao is not polite at all when he uses our tunnel."

Xiao Changyi said calmly: "You told me about this tunnel, didn't you just want me to use it?"

A questioning tone and an affirmative sentence pattern.

Hall Master Feng immediately clasped his fist towards Xiao Changyi and praised: "Young Master Xiao is very witty, I admire him."

Xiao Changyi asked, "Have you dug the tunnel to the palace?"

The masked Master of Feng Hall was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and sighed: "Master Xiao, don't you want to know if we have a tunnel to the Dongqing Palace? Master Xiao obviously wants to know our full strength."

Xiao Changyi looked away, no longer looking at Hall Master Feng, but said lukewarmly: "You're not bad either."

Hall Master Feng was stunned again, and then laughed tacitly.

At this moment, he somewhat understood why their host had changed so much. He was influenced by the person in front of him.

Upon returning from outside the city, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi still stayed in the secret room.

The city would be attacked the day after tomorrow, and it was also time for them to settle the accounts with Dongfang Tianyang.

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