Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1735 I am not a normal person.

"Quiet, Xiao Changyi," this was the first time Gong Juechen called them by their full names. Gong Juechen's eyes and brows were all smiles, a cold smile, "My master retired to seclusion because he was disheartened. He faked his death. It's just a cover. Since that time, he has never rescued anyone. I might as well tell you that the father of that rich boy was once saved by my master, and he was the one who wanted to kill my master, haha." Two more sneers.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't expect that there was such a story in it, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

However, the two of them also understood that Gong Juechen and his master were once the masters of the Killing Sky Building. Needless to say, Gong Juechen inherited the position of the master of the building from his master.

"Do you know what happened to that family in the end?" Gong Juechen continued to smile slowly. "How dare you think of beating the master of the Slaughter Sky Tower to death? I'm sorry, but the whole family was wiped out by the Slaughter Sky Tower. No one was left alive." From that time on, his master believed that kindness to others meant harming oneself.

Jing Jing was silent for a while before arguing: "You can't just sink the whole boat just because some people have problems. There are bad people in this world. I admit this, but there are still many good people! "

"Really?" The casual tone showed that Gong Juechen didn't listen at all.

"Gong Juechen" Jing Jing was helpless.

Gong Juechen chuckled lightly, and then said casually: "I don't need him to let go of the past. If he has the ability, no matter what, no one in the Slayer Tower will be afraid of him."

At first, he mistakenly thought that Su Haoyu wanted to kill him, and was worried that if Su Haoyu found out that he was still alive, his sister Gong Juese would be implicated. Therefore, in order to be able to protect his sister, he agreed to his master's death. Later he took over the Slayer Tower.

And his master was very kind to him. Since he took over the Slaughter Sky Tower, no matter how bad the Slaughter Sky Tower was, it was still his responsibility.

If there were foreign enemies in the Slayer Tower, he would definitely advance and retreat together with the Slayer Tower.

"Gong Juechen, why are you doing this? Do you want everyone in the world to be the enemy of the Slaughter Sky Tower, and you will be willing to destroy it?!" Jing Jing's tone increased.

Gong Juechen sneered: "Originally, people in the world have regarded the Slayer Tower as a thorn in their flesh. Everyone wants to destroy it, but the question is, can you destroy it?"

Seeing that Gong Juechen couldn't listen at all, Jing Jing could only say: "If Ye Zi and Se Se know that you are the owner of the Slaughter Sky Building and still allow the people in the Slaughter Sky Building to do anything for money, what do you think they will think?"

Gong Juechen's peach blossom eyes suddenly became fierce: "How dare you!"

"Let's see if we dare." This sentence was not said by Jing Jing, but by Xiao Changyi, who had never spoken.

Gong Juechen instantly glanced at Xiao Changyi with sharp eyes: "Don't think that because I have some feelings for you, you can do whatever you want. Let me tell you, as long as you dare to tell Zhizhi and Sese, I will not only kill you, but also kill you." My whole family, even everyone in the world, if you make it difficult for me, don’t expect me to make it easier for you!”

"Gong Juechen, you're crazy!" Jing Jing couldn't believe it. They were doing it for his own good, but look at what he said.

Gong Juechen sneered: "I am not a normal person."

"I'm going to tell Ye Zhi now." Xiao Changyi stood up and walked out very simply.

"Xiao Changyi!" Gong Juechen was furious and immediately attacked Xiao Changyi.

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