Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1736 Xiao Changyi and Gong Juechen fight

Xiao Changyi had never fought against Gong Juechen, and now that Gong Juechen was attacking him, he would naturally accompany him to the end.

The two of them were evenly matched in the fight, and they looked like they were either going to die or I would die. The martial arts on the other side were simply no match for their quietness, so they could only get anxious and keep trying to persuade the two of them not to fight.

But neither of them listened to her at this time, especially Gong Juechen, whose peach-blossom eyes became extremely cruel and cruel.

He wanted his Zhizhi and his sister to be carefree, and he wanted to live a peaceful and simple life with his Zhizhi. Now, his sister is still carefree, and his Zhizhi also gave birth to a daughter for him. He was over a year old, and he and his little Zhizhi lived a happy and wonderful life. However, Xiao Changyi wanted to destroy everything now. He really had murderous intentions towards Xiao Changyi.

When two equally matched masters fought against each other, whoever gave in even a little would lose. However, Gong Juechen and Xiao Changyi did not give in to the other.

The chair and the table were destroyed when the two of them fought. You were injured and vomited blood when they fought, but they couldn't show their superiority.

Seeing that both of them were vomiting blood, Jing Jing couldn't bear it any longer. He rushed forward and stood between the two of them. Gong Juechen thought An Jing was here to help Xiao Changyi and was even more rude. There were three more silver needles in his right hand. He attacked An Jing. When Xiao Changyi saw An Jing, he narrowed his eyes coldly. While protecting An Jing behind him, his sleeves were cut open by silver needles, and his arms were even injured by silver needles.

There were three silver needles and three cuts. The cuts were quite deep, and blood quickly poured out.

Xiao Changyi pushed Jing Jing aside, and at the same time, he pulled out a hairpin from Jing Jing's hair and attacked Gong Juechen.

Silver needle hairpin.

Another fight.

Both of them were scared, and they were both injured. Qin Yi and the others had already heard the sound of fighting and rushed in. Seeing the situation, they wanted to step forward to help, but Xiao Changyi shouted sharply: "No one is allowed." Help, I must take care of him today!"

This shows that Xiao Changyi is really angry.

Qin Yi and the others had no choice but to step forward to help, so they could only follow suit and get anxious.

Seeing that Qin Yi and the others were of no use here, Jing Jing asked Qin Yi and the others to leave again. Qin Yi and the others did not want to leave because they were worried that something might happen to Mr. Xiao Changyi, but they still obeyed and left.

Now, Jing Jing didn't dare to go forward to persuade her anymore. She was afraid that if she went up, she would harm her husband-in-law again.

And just as Qin Yi and the others exited the main courtyard, Xiao Changyi used the hairpin to hurt Gong Juechen again. This time the hairpin did not scratch Gong Juechen, but directly pierced Gong Juechen's body.

After getting in, Xiao Changyi didn't stop. He grabbed Gong Juechen's neck with his other hand and pushed Gong Juechen back hard, directly pushing Gong Juechen onto the pillar. At the same time, Xiao Changyi pushed Gong Juechen. , the silver needle in Gong Juechen's hand also pierced Xiao Changyi's body.

Xiao Changyi ignored him and pushed Gong Juechen hard against the pillar, forcing Gong Juechen to vomit out another mouthful of blood. Then he grabbed Gong Juechen's neck tighter, as if he wanted to break Gong Juechen's neck.

"Have you calmed down? If not, I don't mind killing you!" Xiao Changyi's eyes were full of sternness.

If he really wanted to kill Gong Juechen, he could actually kill him when he grabbed Gong Juechen's neck.

But if Gong Juechen insists on leading the Slayer Tower to do evil, he really doesn't mind killing Gong Juechen now.

In fact, he didn't want this, but what could he do? This Gong Juechen didn't listen at all. In order to prevent more people from suffering in the future, even if he had an uneasy conscience and guilt for the rest of his life, he would kill Gong Juechen now.

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