Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1738 It’s obviously…

Gong Juechen continued: "In everyone's eyes, everyone wants to punish the Slaughter Sky Tower. Their attitude will not change just because the Sword Sky Tower has improved. Also, do you really think that everyone wants to kill it because of it?" Do you want to get rid of Xi Tianlou because he has done too many bad things?”

"How naive," Gong Juechen sneered, "It's obvious that the Slayer Tower is too powerful and has made many people uneasy!"

Seeing that Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi both looked like they were about to speak, Gong Juechen immediately said: "Okay, don't try to persuade me. I won't lead the people in the Slayer Tower to abandon any evil and follow any good. In our case, In my eyes, there is no evil and no good, only survival and living. As for Zhi Zhi Na, you asked me to think about it again. I have never wanted to confess to her. It suddenly seems to you that I should think about confessing to her. Oh, how can she know nothing about everything since she is also the wife of the owner of the Slayer Tower?"

"Gong——" Jing Jing still wanted to persuade Gong Juechen, but Xiao Changyi stopped Jing Jing from persuading him.

Gong Juechen first looked at the injuries on his body, and then looked at Xiao Changyi: "You are really heavy-handed. If Zhizhi sees this, how can I explain it to Zhizhi?"

Xiao Changyi opened his mouth and said: "Then confess to her."

Gong Juechen was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Are you pinning all your hopes on my Zhizhi now?"

Xiao Changyi remained silent.

Jing Jing finally understood why Xiao Changyi stopped her and tried to persuade her again. If she tries to persuade him again, it will just be a waste of her words. Let Ye Zhi persuade you. One sentence from Ye Zhi can equal a thousand words to her.

"Okay, I'm going back." Gong Juechen got up and walked out. Because he was injured and quite heavy, he didn't walk very fast. "My Zhizhi is still waiting for me at home. If I go back late, she will definitely be worried that something has happened to me."

After a pause, Gong Juechen looked at the injuries on his body and laughed at himself: "But something did happen to me."

After watching Gong Juechen leave, Anjing's eyes fell back on Xiao Changyi. Seeing the major and minor injuries on Xiao Changyi's body, Anjing felt distressed: "You said that your body has not been fully recovered yet, and you have suffered another injury."

Xiao Changyi immediately comforted him: "If we don't fight with him, he won't be able to let go."

"But if you fight him, doesn't he still want to lead the people of Slayer Tower to abandon evil and do good?"

"At least he should consider taking the initiative to confess to Ye Zhi."

"Yes." Jing Jing smiled, but there was still deep distress in the smile. "Gong Juechen's skills are really comparable to yours. Fortunately, you were able to restrain him first. If he had restrained you first, you might have died."

"He also doesn't want me to tell Ye Zhi and ruin his current life."

"I understand, but I feel uncomfortable seeing you being so seriously injured." After a pause, "Ye Zhi must also feel uncomfortable when she sees that Gong Juechen is injured. She always looks indifferent. It looks like she actually cares about Gong Juechen."

Xiao Changyi didn't say much, just said: "I hope Ye Zhi knows everything and can really persuade him."

"Don't worry, I still believe in Ye Zhi's character. She is really decent."

Xiao Changyi nodded.

At this time, the three beautiful babies were brought in by Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao. As soon as the three beautiful babies came in, they waddled towards Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi very happily.



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