Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1739 Can you please let me be alone for a while?

"Hey, little beauties, you are back!" Jing Jing expressed her joy exaggeratedly, and walked to Xiao Changyi with open arms holding the three beauties.

Xiao Changyi was sitting on the couch. Although the injuries on his body had been taken care of, it was clear from a glance that he was seriously injured.

The three beautiful babies looked at the white cloth stained with dazzling bright red. They pointed their little hands at the bright red spot, frowned their little eyebrows, and said with unhappy faces: "It hurts."

Knowing that the children were saying that he was in pain, Xiao Changyi rarely raised the corner of his mouth. Regardless of the injuries on his arms and shoulders, he endured the pain. He touched their little heads and comforted them softly: "Dad, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all." , don’t worry.”

I don't know if they understood it, but when the three beautiful babies saw Xiao Changyi smiling at them, they immediately opened their mouths and looked at Xiao Changyi giggling, looking very happy.

Because of the happy atmosphere brought by the children, An Jing's mood improved a lot.

On the other side, as soon as Gong Juechen returned home, he saw Ye Zhi teasing their precious daughter in the house.

Their baby girl can already call her daddy and mommy. Although she can't say anything else yet, they are very happy.

When she saw Gong Juechen, Ye Zhi didn't pay much attention and said to her precious daughter: "Lele, look, your father is back."

"Daddy" Lele shouted vaguely, her little mouth almost reaching behind her ears. It was obvious that she liked Gong Juechen as her father.

"Lele" Gong Juechen immediately showed a bright smile and walked towards Ye Zhi and baby Gong Le.

Ye Zhi's eyes were focused on Gong Juechen again, and she could see clearly this time. Seeing that Gong Juechen was injured, and it seemed to be very serious, she immediately became anxious, stood up and asked him: "What are you doing?" What's wrong? Didn't you go to the boss? Why did you come back injured? "

Gong Juechen immediately comforted him: "I'm fine, don't worry, I just had a fight with Chang Yi."

"Why are you fighting with him?"

"Alas" Gong Juechen sighed feebly, and then he begged feebly, "Zhizhi, can you let me be alone for a while? When I am calm, I will talk to you again, okay? "

Gong Juechen rarely looked like this, and Ye Zhi felt sorry for him because he was injured, so he naturally agreed, but still asked: "How long do you want to be quiet?"

Gong Juechen glanced at the sky and then said weakly, "I'll try to come out before dinner."

It's not yet noon

Knowing that he didn't want to have lunch, Ye Zhi didn't force it and said, "Then go ahead."

"Yeah." Gong Juechen nodded, but he still had a playful smile and didn't look like he was doing anything serious. He glanced at Gong Le, who was grinning at him, and hugged Ye Zhi gently before going back to the room looking very tired and locking himself in the room.

He had to think carefully about whether he should really confess to her. If he was confessing, was he telling her everything?

Seeing that Gong Juechen was so exhausted that he didn't want to say a word and locked himself in the room, Ye Zhi was anxious and worried, but he didn't knock on the door, but really asked Gong Juechen to be quiet.

Something must have happened to him, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

"Lele, what do you think happened to your father?" Sitting back on the chair, Ye Zhi no longer teased her precious daughter, but asked gloomily about her precious daughter who still didn't know anything.

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