Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1741 What’s the use?

"Zhizhi?" Seeing that Ye Zhi just looked at him very complicatedly without saying a word, Gong Juechen waited for a while and then cautiously called Ye Zhi. He didn't want her to be afraid of him, he really didn't.

Ye Zhi's eyes suddenly turned red and her voice was choked with sobs: "How could you be the master of the Heaven-Slaying Building? How could you be?"

She always knew that he had a bad mouth and was not a good person, but she didn't think he was bad.

Now, he actually told her that he is the owner of the Killing Sky Building. If his identity is exposed, everyone will definitely have vengeance and want to seek revenge from him, and those without vengeance will also want to kill him to get rid of this scourge.

And she hoped that he would be safe.

Ping Anan lived with her, and Ping Anan raised their precious daughter with her.

Seeing Ye Zhi's eyes turn red, Gong Juechen's eyes turned red with distress, "I didn't want to either, but didn't I misunderstand that Su Haoyu wanted to kill me? I was afraid that Su Haoyu would send someone to kill me again if he found out that I was still alive. It was embarrassing, so I agreed to my master and became the young master of the Slaughter Sky Tower. Later, when my master died, I automatically became the master of the Slaughter Sky Tower. I just wanted to have more ability to protect the people I care about. Slayer Tower has this ability to help me easily fight against Su Haoyu, I really don’t want Zhizhi, I really don’t want it.”

As he spoke, Gong Juechen's voice was choked with sobs. He even grabbed Ye Zhi's hand tightly and begged: "Zhizhi, don't be afraid of me, okay? Don't leave me either. If you leave me , I don’t even know what I will do, please, please, I’m begging you——”

Hearing this, Ye Zhi finally couldn't help but cut off his words: "What did you say? Why should I be afraid of you? Why should I leave you? You have done a lot of bad things, but you are good to me! I don't will leave you!"

When Gong Juechen heard this, he was instantly overjoyed: "Really?"

"Do I look like a liar? Okay, you are a grown man, you are always crying, what do you look like?" This person is obviously not a bear, but he will make himself look like this every time. Sometimes she is I really don't think he is a man.

Gong Juechen defended: "I didn't cry this time."

"But I'm about to cry." She could hear his sobs getting heavier, and he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Gong Juechen stopped talking, but he felt very happy in his heart. His Zhizhi is not afraid of him and will not leave him, which is great!

Ye Zhi asked back: "How come you can honestly tell me that you are the master of the Slayer Tower?"

Gong Juechen then told Ye Zhi exactly why Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were looking for him today, as well as what Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi had said to him today.

After hearing this, Ye Zhi agreed: "Boss and brother-in-law are right, you should lead the Slayer Tower to abandon evil and do good."

Gong Juechen immediately became excited: "I also want to abandon evil and do good, but what's the use? Could it be that those people just because we started doing good deeds in the Slayer Tower in the future, won't they want to kill the Slayer Tower? Zhi Zhi, why are you as naive as An Jing and others? Even if Shou Tianlou abandons evil and pursues good, those people will still worry about Shou Tianlou. Shou Tianlou has done too many bad things, and Shou Tianlou cannot clean them up. The power of the building is too great, and there are many people who are afraid of it. But once I and the Slayer Tower are exposed, how many people will come to seek revenge on us? As the owner of the building, my master treats me with great kindness, and this Slayer Tower is me. I will never allow this to happen!"

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