Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1742 As long as you don’t leave me, whatever you say will matter

Ye Zhi was still calm, but when she heard Gong Juechen's words, she could tell something was wrong: "Did you misunderstand something? Who asked you to expose you and Slayer Tower? I believe neither my boss nor my brother-in-law That’s what I mean. They know that you are the owner of the Slayer Tower, so they will definitely consider this for you. It’s too late to help you hide that you are the owner of the Slayer Tower. How can they let you expose everything so that people can come to find you? Hatred? What they mean is that if you are not exposed, you should stop doing bad things. It is also a kind of good thing. The boss and brother-in-law should abandon evil and do good. The people in the building have done bad things, and they don’t have to force Shou Tianlou to do good things in the future, nor do they have to expose Shou Tianlou. They just want you to stop doing bad things, and that’s what I mean when I say abandon evil and do good. "

Hearing this, Gong Juechen was stunned for a moment.

It seems to be true

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi never let him lead the Slayer Tower to be exposed from the beginning to the end. They seemed to just ask him to abandon evil and do good and stop doing bad things. They didn't ask him and the Slayer Tower to do good things in the future at all.

It’s just that he was too scared, fearing that being exposed would affect the Slayer Tower, affect his current life, and even cause his Zhizhi to leave him. Therefore, when he heard that he should abandon evil and become good, he became anxious. Later, he also followed Xiao Changyi took action.

Even in the end, he didn't want to listen to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi's advice anymore and came back directly.

If he continues to listen, maybe Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi will mention this matter

Seeing that Gong Juechen was stunned, Ye Zhi knew that Gong Juechen had heard this. She took the initiative to hold Gong Juechen's hand and said angrily: "Ms. sir, my boss and brother-in-law are not that kind of people. They may not care about the lives of other people in the Slayer Tower, but how could they ignore yours? I see that Su Chengyu has changed a lot, and he should also be helping to hide his identity as the owner of the Slayer Tower. Yes. Since he can help you hide it, my boss and brother-in-law will help you hide it, and my brother-in-law has always been thoughtful in doing things. He knows that you are carrying the Slayer Tower on your shoulders, and he doesn’t want you to confront each other in the future, so he advises you not to do it again. It’s a bad thing. They really didn’t want you to expose everything about you and Xiantianlou. Can you believe me?”

This was the first time Ye Zhi called him husband. Gong Juechen was happy, but his brows were still furrowed.

Ye Zhi continued: "You also know my personality. I didn't have to pursue it in the past, but in the future, if we still live together, and you, as the owner of the Slayer Tower, allow the people below to do bad things for money, you How can I survive with you?"


"You are the owner of the Slayer Tower. Listening to what you just said, everyone in the Slayer Tower should listen to you. You just don't let them do bad things anymore, and nothing else will change. This shouldn't be difficult. Bar?"

"It's not difficult. The Slaughter Sky Tower has regulations for generations. Everyone must be loyal to the landlord and listen to the landlord. They have to do whatever the landlord wants them to do. Then they will naturally do whatever I ask them to do. But, didn’t I misunderstand before that I wanted to expose the Slayer Tower, so I couldn’t accept this.”

"So, you agree?" Ye Zhi was very surprised, but still asked confirmingly.

"As long as you don't leave me, whatever you say will matter." Gong Juechen said dotingly.

Ye Zhi blushed slightly.

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