Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1743 He’s not much better

Gong Juechen added: "I was really worried before, afraid that if I told you, you would be afraid of me and leave me. Now, I feel at ease."

Ye Zhi couldn't help but smile: "I just heard you say that you are the master of the Tianshu Building. I was quite worried. I was afraid that your identity would be exposed and someone would come to seek revenge on you. Then how could we have an easy life? Fortunately, you will be there later. You and the boss have told me what they were talking about today. Since the boss, brother-in-law, Su Chengyu, and others are determined to hide this matter and don’t want to antagonize you, as long as you don’t let the Slayer Tower do bad things again, why should we? Not?"


"Tomorrow I will accompany you to Prince Xiyun's Mansion and talk to the boss and the others about this matter."


"Brother-in-law hurt you like this, what about brother-in-law? Did you hurt him back?"

Gong Juechen immediately said: "He won't be much better."

"That's good." Ye Zhi was happy. How could her husband-in-law be the only one injured!

Gong Juechen was also happy. He could feel that his Zhizhi cared about him very much.

"Actually, even if the boss and the others don't advise you not to let Shou Tianlou do bad things in the future, I will advise you. I don't ask for a name that will go down in history, I just ask for a clear conscience. If you continue to do bad things, I really have no idea. I can’t live with you anymore.”

"Zhizhi, don't say that again. I won't do bad things again, and I won't let Shou Tianlou do bad things again. I promise you."

"Well, I believe you."

Gong Juechen immediately asked more and more: "Call me again, sir?"

Ye Zhi instantly squinted his eyes.

Gong Juechen laughed twice and then said seriously: "You are the wife of the owner of the Slayer Tower. I can tell you everything about the Slayer Tower, but quiet them, I have nothing to say."

"I understand. You also want to protect the Slayer Tower. I also support you in doing this." If he didn't care about the survival of the Slayer Tower, she would really think that he was heartless and unjust.

"As long as you understand." Gong Juechen was most afraid that she wouldn't understand. Now that she understands him and supports him, he is really happy and feels more at ease.

After looking at Ye Zhi with a smile for a long time, Gong Juechen spoke again: "Actually, the Slayer Tower is quite good. The surrounding environment is quiet, like a paradise. If my master didn't want me to come into contact with the Slayer Tower too early, my master would not have taken us to another place. I built a mountain to live in seclusion. Later, I got a little older and wiser, but I wanted to live a simple and carefree life, so I discussed it with my master and still concealed all this from Sese and still lived in the same place. I won’t move to Shou Tian Tower.”

"Can't you take off your identity as the owner of the Slaughter Sky Building?"

Gong Juechen shook his head and said: "Unless I die, I can't unload it. There are rules from generation to generation of the Slaughter Sky Building. Once you become the master of the Slaughter Sky Building, you will always be the master of the Slaughter Sky Building. Unless you die, the Slaughter Sky Building will be replaced by a new one." The owner takes over.”

Ye Zhi understood.

Since Gong Juechen will always be the owner of the Slayer Tower, and the Slayer Tower will always be Gong Juechen's responsibility, Ye Zhi said: "Let's go back to live in the Slayer Tower someday. You are the owner of the Slayer Tower, and you will be in charge of it." That's fine, didn't you say that the surrounding environment of Shou Tian Tower is good, we can live there all the time. Besides, Shou Tian Tower is so powerful, Shou Tian Tower should be the safest place in the world, even if you are one day. His identity has been exposed, so I don’t have anything to worry about.”

The last sentence is actually the key point.

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