Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1744 That's All

There is no airtight wall in the world. She doesn't think that the fact that Gong Juechen is the owner of the Slayer Tower can be kept secret for a lifetime, so it's better not to hang around outside and go back to live in the Slayer Tower.

By then, if I feel really bored in the Slayer Tower, I can go out and travel around.

Ye Zhi thought so.

Gong Juechen was not stupid, so he was naturally very moved when he heard what Ye Zhi was doing. Nodding: "Well, it's all up to you." He didn't want her to worry either.

"Then we leave, what will happen to Seise?" She knew that he cared about Gong Juese's sister. It can be said that Gong Juechen stayed with Gong Juese after she married Meng Lanqing just to protect Gong Juese.

Gong Juechen said: "I will send someone to protect her secretly, and Anjing and the others probably won't let anything happen to her." After a pause, "I will also come out of the Slayer Tower to see her from time to time."

There is another meaning to this, which is that he continues to hide everything from Gong Juese.

Ye Zhi sincerely felt that Gong Juechen was a good brother, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I will accompany you to see her when the time comes."

"Yeah" Gong Juechen was very happy. He approached Ye Zhi and wanted to kiss Ye Zhi, but Ye Zhi avoided him.

"Eat quickly! It's rare for me to cook a meal, remember to eat it all!" After saying that, Ye Zhi, who was already blushing, lowered her head and started to eat the rice.

"Uh-huh." Knowing that Ye Zhi was shy, Gong Juechen happily picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat the food Ye Zhi specially prepared for him. The food was delicious, but he was in a good mood, no matter how bad it was. He also found the food very delicious.

Of course, while he was eating, he didn't forget to stare at his Zhizhi across the street.

The next day, Ye Zhi hugged Gong Le and came to Xiyun Palace with Gong Juechen. And Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were playing with their three beautiful babies in the room.

When she saw Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen coming, and both of them had smiles on their faces, Jing Jing felt a little unsure, and opened her mouth with a smile: "Just now I asked my husband if you would come. My husband said he would, but I didn’t expect you to actually come.”

Seeing that Xiao Changyi was really seriously injured, Ye Zhi felt more comfortable, and the smile on his face couldn't help but grow bigger: "It's not just about yesterday's matter. It has to be solved anyway. There's no point in dragging it on all the time. Something."

Jing Jing understood what Ye Zhi meant and asked all the people waiting in the room to leave.

Rarely, Xiao Changyi took the initiative to speak and asked Gong Juechen: "Have you figured it out?"

Obviously, he knew that he had misunderstood yesterday, but he did not explain it. Instead, he stimulated him and had a fight with him.

He said he wanted to take care of him, so he let him suffer for a little longer without telling him that he had misunderstood.

Gong Juechen didn't feel embarrassed at all and said with a playful smile: "I didn't figure it out myself, but Zhizhi explained it to me."

Ye Zhi smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, please don't laugh at him. He is also afraid that the Slaughter Sky Tower will be exposed and lead people to seek revenge, which will do a lot of harm to the Slaughter Sky Tower and not even a single benefit."

Xiao Changyi just snorted and stopped talking.

Jing Jing was very surprised: "Exposed? We didn't ask you to expose Shou Tianlou. We just asked you not to let Shou Tianlou do bad things again, in case we are on the opposite side in the future, that's all. As long as you don't do bad things again, Chengyu won't pursue anything, and you and Chengyu can live happily together forever. This is our goal. Moreover, Slayer can kill good people for money. This is wrong in the first place. Shouldn't it be changed? ?”

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