Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1745 Give me some face!, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

"What's more," Jing Jing continued to say to Gong Juechen: "Once the Heaven-Slaying Tower is exposed to the sun, won't you also be exposed? Then you, the owner of the Heaven-Slaying Tower, will become the target of public criticism. This is contrary to our original intention. On the contrary, how could we put you in this situation? We really just ask you not to let Shou Tianlou do bad things again in the future. As for anything else, we have no demands at all."

Ye Zhi also said: "Let me just say, this is what the boss and brother-in-law mean when they abandon evil and do good."

Gong Juechen first smiled brightly at Ye Zhi, and then said to Anjing: "I misunderstood yesterday, and it's my fault. I shouldn't have stopped you from continuing to persuade me and not letting you talk. Otherwise, maybe, I don’t have to shut myself in my room and think about life since I came back from you.”

Jing Jing couldn't help but be amused: "You went back alone and locked yourself in the room yesterday?"

Ye Zhi took the opportunity to complain: "Isn't that right? I'm going to die as soon as I go back. I said I want to be alone for a while and don't come out until dinner time."

Gong Juechen pulled Ye Zhi's sleeve and exaggeratedly begged for mercy: "Zhi Zhi, give me some face."

Ye Zhi didn't say anything anymore. Even though she thought he was extremely shameless, he actually had no face at all.

"Ye Zi, looking at you like this, aren't you angry with him for lying to you?" Jing Jing asked.

Ye Zhi looked to the sky and said: "He is the majestic Master of the Heaven Killing Building. He can easily take over the world if he wants to. How can I dare to be angry with him?"

"Haha" Jing Jing couldn't help but be amused.

Gong Juechen said with a playful smile: "No matter how high my status is, aren't you still above me? I really listen to you, Zhizhi."

Ye Zhi was satisfied and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth: "That's pretty much it."

Jing Jing said: "So, you have decided to promise us that Slayer Tower will not do bad things in the future?"

Gong Juechen said: "No, no, no, I'm not promising you, I'm listening to Zhizhi. If Zhizhi doesn't let me lead the Slayer Tower to do bad things, then I won't lead it. From now on, as long as I live one day, Slayer Tianlou won’t do anything bad.”

Jing Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As long as you don't do bad things anymore, it'll be fine. Don't worry, we will keep the matter of you being the master of the Killing Sky Building strictly confidential for you. Although Chengyu knows, he will also give it to you." It's confidential. He's just worried that Shou Tianlou will do bad things again and harm the people of Xiyun. As the king, he can't let Shou Tianlou kill innocent people indiscriminately, causing us to not be able to live well together. Fortunately, he won't have to in the future. Worry about this."

Gong Juechen remained silent. He also knew that Su Chengyu had changed a lot and was becoming more and more tolerant of him, but at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Jing Jing continued: "He said that as long as the Slayer Tower no longer does bad things, he will not be held accountable for everything in the past. You can continue to be your Slayer Tower owner. You should also know that he is no longer afraid of you, and even he They all feel that if one day you want his throne, it will be your destiny."

Gong Juechen immediately snorted: "If I wanted to be the emperor, I would have become the emperor a long time ago. Why wait until now?"

Jing Jing shook his head and smiled: "I said that, not to say that you want to be the emperor, but to say that he has changed. Even if you are powerful, he will no longer be afraid of you. I want you to be at ease and have a good relationship with Ye Have a good time."

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