Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1760 Offended him

Her fifth son smiled at her like this, which was so cute. Anjing couldn't hold it in anymore and smiled: "I say you are a little beauty, but I think you are a little fool. My mother is scolding you, but you are still scolding me." Dear smile."

With that said, Jing Jing pulled little beauty An Yiqi into his arms and hugged her. Then he took out the handkerchief, dipped it in water, and cleaned little beauty An Yiqi's muddy hands.

While wiping An Yiqi's hands, Jing Jing said, "I used to think your third brother was naughty, but now it seems that you are the naughtiest."

An Yiqi still just grinned at An Jing.

Jing Jing only found it funny, "The more I look at you, the more I think your temperament is like your third brother. Your third brother also smiled at me like this when he was a child. No, your third brother only knew how to smile when he was a child, and he smiled like Maitreya Buddha. "

An Yiqi didn't care what Anjing said. As soon as Anjing wiped his hands, he broke away from Anjing's arms, and then stretched his two small hands into the basin next to him.

He grabbed the water in the basin with his two small hands, and then he raised his hand and threw the water in his hand towards An Yilin.

This time, An Yilin didn't cry anymore. He was very happy and stretched his two small hands into the basin to grab water, and sprinkled the water on An Yiqi.

The two brothers just had a great time playing in the water.

An Jing looked at all this and sighed in her heart: "It's quick to make peace, and it's quick to reconcile."

"Get down, get down." An Yizhi was riding on Meng Zhuqing's shoulders. When he saw his two brothers playing in the water, he became anxious and yelled at Meng Zhuqing to let him down.

Meng Zhuqing also put him down.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, An Yizhi ran towards the water basin, and then played in the water with his two brothers.

The three little beauties all looked very happy.

Jing Jing, Xiao Changyi, Tuoba Yao, and Meng Zhuqing were watching from the side. It was just a basin of water, and it was not by the river. They let the children play, and the most important thing was to change their clothes, as long as the children were happy.

At this moment, Qin Yi came in and reported: "I would like to inform the king, the queen, the Minister of Hubu and his youngest son to see me."

Jing Jing asked: "What's the matter?"

"This subordinate didn't know very well, so he just said he came to apologize."

Please excuse me?

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi looked at each other, then calmly said: "Let them in."


The surname of the Minister of Household Affairs is Shen, and the youngest son of Shen Shangshu is about the same age as Jingxing Qingyun.

As soon as Shen Shangshu saw Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing, he pulled his youngest son and knelt down: "I see the king and queen."

Young Master Shen's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and there was a white cloth wrapped around his forehead. It was obvious that his head was injured.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were a little puzzled when they saw Young Master Shen like this, but they didn't ask about it.

Without beating around the bush, Jing Jing directly asked Shen Shangshu the reason for his visit: "I just heard someone said that you are here to ask for forgiveness. What sin do you want to ask for?"

Shen Shangshu immediately kowtowed again and said: "My naughty child has offended His Highness the Third Prince, and I have come here to apologize."

When Jing Jing heard this, she narrowed her eyes slightly: "You mean, your youngest son's injury is related to the third prince?"

Shen Shangshu kowtowed again: "It is the child who offended His Highness the Third Prince. It is entirely the child's own fault for being treated like this by His Highness the Third Prince."

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi immediately looked at each other, and Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao also looked at each other. Although An Yiqing was naughty, he had never hit anyone before. How could he hit someone today and hit him so hard? ... Friends who read books, you can search for "" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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