Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1763 Sanctimonious

"Your Majesty, calm down! Neither I nor my wife have said that. I hope your Majesty will understand clearly!" Shen Shangshu said with a pale face and kept kowtowing to Xiao Changyi.

Young Master Shen was too scared to say a word.

Jing Jing sneered and said, "Your son said that he listened to what you and your wife said. It shows that you usually chew the princess's tongue."

"Queen, I don't have this! Your Majesty and your wife are wronged."

"I really can't shed tears until I see the coffin. Someone, go and invite the eldest son of the Wang family." This shows that Jing Jing is also very angry.

This old fox was smart but was mistaken. If he didn't think he was smart and came to plead guilty, they might not know about it. Now that they know, how could they let it go.

"Yes." Qin Yi immediately went to Wang's house to invite Wang Haomiao.

When Jing Jing saw Wang Haomiao, he asked Wang Haomiao why An Yiqing had killed the young master. Wang Haomiao told the truth, exactly what An Yiqing said, and Xiao Changyi was even more furious.

This bully has bullied him!

Jingjing sneered repeatedly: "You are in a high position, but you are sanctimonious, and your behavior behind the scenes is really disgusting!"

Xiao Changyi was even more straightforward: "For bad conduct, he will be removed from the post of Minister of Household Affairs, and he will be thrown into the sky prison together with his wife and his youngest son. He will be punished according to the crime of insulting the royal princess in Xiyun regulations."

Shen Shangshu immediately began to plead.

However, Qin Yi and the others were immediately forcibly sent to the prison.

Even though the matter was resolved, the wound in Tuoba Yao's heart was torn open again. She felt really uncomfortable. However, she didn't want everyone to see it uncomfortable, so she quickly wiped her tears and let herself be with everyone who was fine again. Same.

Meng Zhuqing felt even worse when he saw his wife like this.

Jing Jing couldn't bear to see Tuoba Yao smiling so hard, so he asked Tuoba Yao to go back to the courtyard where she lived, and Jing Jing asked Meng Zhuqing to go back as well. The main purpose was, of course, to let Meng Zhuqing accompany Tuoba Yao.

When Xiao Changyi saw Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao leaving, he pulled An Yiqing, who had red eyes and looked particularly aggrieved, into his arms. Then he sighed softly and spoke again with an apology: "It's dad's fault, forgive dad." OK?"

An Yiqing pursed her lips tightly and said nothing.

Jing Jing also came over and helped to speak: "Qing'er, think about it, did your dad really beat you when you were growing up? Your dad just said that to get you to tell the truth."

An Yiqing thought about it, then looked at Xiao Changyi and apologized: "I'm sorry, dad."

Xiao Changyi shook his head slightly and said: "You didn't do anything wrong, it was dad who was wrong."

After a pause, Xiao Changyi said again: "Your mother and I are very happy that you can protect your adoptive mother like this."

Jing Jing was also very pleased: "We Qing'er have really grown up."

"That's right!" The knot in his heart was relieved. He no longer blamed his father, and An Yiqing became happy. "I want to protect my father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, and four younger brothers!"

When Jing Jing saw An Yiqing like this, he knew that An Yiqing was doing well, so he laughed and said, "What about your eldest brother and second brother? You won't protect them?"

"The eldest brother and the second brother will protect me. I don't need to protect them." An Yiqing said matter-of-factly.

Jing Jing found it even more amusing: "Then your elder brother's burden is much heavier than yours. No one protects him, he protects others."

"Who makes him the eldest brother? If I were the eldest brother, I would do the same!" An Yiqing said without feeling anything was wrong at all. ... Friends who read books, you can search for "" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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