Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1764 She Really Tried Hard

This is the custom here. The eldest brother is the father, and the eldest brother means taking care of the family, taking care of the younger brothers and sisters, and taking on more responsibilities.

No wonder An Yiqing thinks so.

Jing Jing smiled and touched An Yiqing's head, "Go and see your adoptive mother later. If you protect your adoptive mother like this, your adoptive mother will be very happy to see you."

"Yeah!" An Yiqing nodded immediately.

Jing Jing added: "If this kind of thing happens again in the future, come back and tell dad and mom. Dad and mom are still young and can still handle these things. When dad and mom are really old and can't protect you anymore, , come and protect us again.”

"No!" An Yiqing refused immediately. "I have grown up now and can protect you. I don't want you to worry anymore. I want you to enjoy your happiness now."

The silence is even more gratifying. If her son has this intention, she will be happy whether he can do it or not.

Xiao Changyi was more open-minded and said to Jing Jing: "If the child has this intention, just let him. Our children will not do anything randomly. They have a sense of proportion."

Jing Jing also knew that their child had a good heart, so he smiled and nodded, indicating that he would go with An Yiqing.

Tuoba Yao once made Meng Zhuqing angry once, just because she couldn't think about Meng Zhuqing taking a concubine, but the final result was that she and Meng Zhuqing reconciled, and she also promised Meng Zhuqing that she would no longer always be resentful of her. Something that cannot happen.

She also tried hard not to be resentful.

But now, the seemingly healed wound was torn open again, and Tuoba Yao finally understood that she couldn't let this happen, and she really couldn't care less. Especially when someone calls you a chicken that can't lay eggs.

Tuobayao was really touched and happy that An Yiqing, her adopted son, protected her so much. So when An Yiqing came to see her, the cold Tuobayao couldn't hold it back and hugged An Yiqing again. Had a cry.

But Meng Zhuqing felt very distressed.

An Yiqing was also very anxious, and after coaxing Tuoba Yao for a long time, Tuoba Yao managed to laugh.

In the next few days, Tuoba Yao just forced a smile. Being called a chicken that can't lay eggs, her wound was not only torn open, but also felt like a handful of salt had been sprinkled on it.

However, she wasn't thinking about letting Meng Zhuqing take a concubine. She just felt bad.

How she wanted to give Meng Zhuqing a child.

How she wished she could have a child of her own.

Seeing that Tuoba Yao had been depressed for several days in a row, An Jing, who had been avoiding rubbing salt into Tuoba Yao's wounds, finally couldn't hold it back. That night, he came to the courtyard where Tuoba Yao lived.

There is a pavilion in the yard with tables and chairs.

The moon and stars are sparse.

Jing Jing took Tuoba Yao to the pavilion to sit down, but did not let go of Tuoba Yao's hand. She continued to hold Tuoba Yao's hand, patted Tuoba Yao's hand gently, and then comforted: "I know what's in your heart. It’s sad, but you don’t want to be like this. We treat you like a family member, and it makes us feel uncomfortable when we see you like this, especially Meng Zhuqing, who feels even worse when he sees you like this.”

Under the cold moonlight, Tuoba Yao's beautiful face was reflected even colder. After a while, Tuoba Yao spoke, but her voice was choked: "I tried my best, but I really can't help but care."

"I know everything." Jing Jing nodded. "But it's also a day to be happy, and it's also a day to be unhappy. Why don't you live every day happily?"... Friends who read books, you can search "" to find this site as soon as possible.

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