Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1778 Crying and begging

Tuoba Yao was stunned for a moment, and then, regardless of the severe pain in her abdomen, she quickly got off the bed, knelt in front of Dr. Wu, cried and begged: "Doctor Wu, I beg you, help me keep this child, even if I want my life to be fulfilled, please, please.”

"Princess, what are you?" I am the princess. How dare Dr. Wu let Tuobayao kneel to him? But since men and women are not intimate, he did not dare to help Tuobayao, so he could only kneel down. He knelt down with Tuoba Yao.

But Tuoba Yao was still crying and begging: "Can I kowtow to you? I beg you, Doctor Wu, you must help me keep this child." She got pregnant with great difficulty, how could she just get there? She couldn't accept that her stomach was gone after just one trip! She really can't accept it!

"Princess, you can't do that, Princess!" How dare Doctor Wu dare to let Tuoba Yao kowtow to him? Before Tuoba Yao kowtows to him, he kowtows to Tuoba Yao in panic.

Jing Jing couldn't bear to see Tuoba Yao like this, so she opened her eyes and looked away. At this moment, she really felt that Tuoba Yao's life was miserable.

If this child cannot be kept, it is really better not to have it at all. But now I'm pregnant, but I can't keep it

As Tuoba Yao's husband and a person who loves Tuoba Yao deeply, Meng Zhuqing couldn't bear to see Tuoba Yao like this. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and went to help Tuoba Yao up with red eyes, saying in a good voice but choked with sobs. : "Yao'er, it doesn't matter if you can't keep it, just pretend you're not pregnant, okay?"

Tuoba Yao cried and shook her head violently, feeling very excited: "I'm pregnant, why can't I keep it? My husband, I want to keep this child, I want to give birth to this child, I dream every day to give you a child, you And my child, the child I gave birth to for you."

Tuoba Yao said, crying so hard that she almost lost her breath. She really couldn't accept the fact that she couldn't keep her child.

After finally recovering, Tuoba Yao wanted to kneel down and beg Imperial Doctor Wu again, but Meng Zhuqing refused to let her kneel down and hugged her tightly, letting her cry, struggle and grieve in his arms.

Finally, Meng Zhuqing couldn't hold it back anymore, and tears came out of her eyes. He knew how much Tuoba Yao wanted them to have a child of their own. The more he knew, the more he felt sorry for Tuoba Yao now.

He even felt that if the child could not be saved, Tuoba Yao would go crazy because of it.

As a doctor, Dr. Wu couldn't bear to see Tuoba Yao like this, but he still had to say what needed to be said: "Wei Chen will prescribe fetal protection medicine to the princess. As for whether the child can survive, it can only depend on God's will." ”

Immediately, Dr. Wu bowed his hands to Jing Jing and said, "I am incompetent. I hope the queen will forgive me."

Jing Jing waved her hands and said, "Okay, hurry up and prescribe miscarriage medicine." After a pause, "Your hospital must do its best."

Imperial Doctor Wu immediately said in fear: "Of course the imperial hospital does not dare to hide anything."

After Dr. Wu prescribed the fetal-preserving medicine for someone to fry it, Anjing comforted Tuoba Yao, who was crying and couldn't cry out: "Yao Yao, don't you want to keep this child? You are crying like this and you are so emotional. It will be harder to keep the child."

Although Tuoba Yao couldn't cry anymore, she was still crying. When she heard Jing Jing's words, she quickly wiped her tears. After wiping her tears, she smiled at Jing Jing with a look of expectation on her face: "If I act like this, I can keep the child, right?"

Anjing felt a lump in his throat for a moment.

Meng Zhuqing felt even worse, but seeing that Tuoba Yao's mood seemed to have calmed down a lot, he let go of Tuoba Yao and let Tuoba Yao lie back on the bed.

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