Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1777 You must be mentally prepared

As soon as he saw the imperial doctor rushing over, Meng Zhuqing asked the imperial doctor to take a look at Tuoba Yao to see why Tuoba Yao suddenly had abdominal pain.

The imperial doctor put a silk handkerchief on Tuoba Yao's wrist before he dared to take Tuoba Yao's pulse.

The pulse is fluent and should be smooth.

The imperial doctor took care of it carefully again, and then respectfully said to Jing Jing: "Queen, please ask Her Highness the First Prince and His Highness the Third Prince to wait outside."

In other words, tell An Yiqing and Su Yijing not to stay in the room.

Jing Jing heard that the imperial doctor meant to send An Yiqing and Su Yijing away, and what he said next might not be suitable for An Yiqing and Su Yijing to hear, so she let An Yiqing and Su Yijing go out.

An Yiqing and Su Yijing were unwilling to go out, "We want to stay here."

Jing Jing said: "Do you still miss your adoptive mother? If you do, get out as soon as possible!"

An Yiqing and Su Yijing hurried out.

After there were no foreign men in the room, the imperial doctor asked Tuoba Yao: "I wonder how many months will it take for the princess to have her period?"

Hearing this, Jing Jing was stunned for a moment, then understood a little, and looked at Tuoba Yao in disbelief.

Meng Zhuqing saw that Tuoba Yao was still in pain and broke into a cold sweat. He didn't find anything wrong with the imperial doctor's question. He just stood by the bed extremely worried, as if he didn't know what to do at all.

Tuoba Yao didn't find anything wrong with Jing Jing, but was surprised how the imperial doctor knew that she was not menstruating. However, the fact that she was menstruating made it difficult for her to talk about it. However, the pain in her abdomen was excruciating. The imperial doctor must have asked this question. It was related to the severe pain in her abdomen, so even though it was difficult to say it, she still answered: "I haven't been here for more than two months."

"That's it." The imperial doctor nodded. "The princess's abdominal pain is like cramping. It's not a disease, but the fetus. The princess must have been pregnant for two months."

Fetal gas?


Jing Jing realized something was wrong just now. Now, besides being happy, she is still happy.

Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing both looked in disbelief.

You know, Tuoba Yao was once trampled on the abdomen by a horse and suffered serious abdominal injuries. Gong Juechen said that the possibility of her being pregnant was pitiful.

"Am I really pregnant?" Tuoba Yao asked the imperial doctor, pointing at herself stupidly.

The imperial doctor said: "Yes, the princess's pulse is Hua Mai, so she is undoubtedly pregnant. According to the princess, she has not had her period for more than two months, so she must be more than two months pregnant."

Tuoba Yao smiled, and she cried when she smiled. I saw her turning her head to look at Meng Zhuqing, laughing and crying at Meng Zhuqing, and saying: "Mr., I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant."

Although Meng Zhuqing didn't cry, her eyes were red. He kept nodding towards Tuoba Yao and said with a choked voice: "Well, you're pregnant. You're pregnant."

"However, Princess," the imperial doctor showed no joy at all, and his face was actually quite solemn.

Jing Jing felt strange and had a bad premonition: "Wu Yuyi, if you have anything to say, just say it. Don't make us anxious like this."

"Yes, Queen." Dr. Wu first bowed his hands respectfully to An Jing, and then said bluntly: "Princess Yao is having fetal contractions now, but her pulse is very unstable. This should be related to Princess Yao's abdominal pain. Due to serious injuries, the possibility of saving this child is very slim. I hope Princess Yao and Princess Yao can be mentally prepared."

Jing Jing was stunned.

Meng Zhuqing was stunned at first, and then had mixed feelings. It seemed that he and his wife were destined to have no children of their own in this life.

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