Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1776 Stomach... hurts...

In the yard, three little beauties were being led by Tuoba Yao to watch their eldest brother and third brother practice swordplay.

The swords Su Yijing and An Yiqing used now were no longer wooden swords, but real and extremely sharp swords. Meng Zhuqing was on the side as a sparring partner for Su Yijing and An Yiqing.

At this time, Meng Zhuqing was fighting with Su Yijing.

Although Su Yijing was only nine years old, he had practiced martial arts for several years. In addition, he was always taught martial arts by Xiao Changyi himself, and his qualifications were very good. To be honest, Meng Zhuqing had to use all his strength and did not dare to give in. Only then can he deal with Su Yijing.

When Tuoba Yao saw Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi coming out of the house, she coaxed the three beauties to find Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi. Then, she also picked up the sword and went to fight An Yiqing.

An Yiqing has been working harder recently. Although he has good qualifications, he is not Tuoba Yao's opponent at all. Even if Tuoba Yao lets go, he does not use his full strength at all. He is just willing to be An Yiqing's sparring partner. An Yiqing None of them are Tuoba Yao's opponents.

However, if you don't practice or compete with others, how can you make progress? Therefore, An Yiqing still likes people to compete with him, even if he can't beat them.

Just when An Yiqing and Tuoba Yao were fighting, Tuoba Yao suddenly suffered from abdominal cramps, her face quickly turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She squatted down holding her belly.

But An Yiqing's sword was too late and he stabbed towards Tuoba Yao.

"Yao Yao, be careful!" Jing Jing was startled when she found out. She wanted to put down An Yilin who she had just picked up in her arms and stop her, but Xiao Changyi was faster than her. He grabbed An Yiqing's wrist and pulled An Yiqing away. Qing's hand was raised, and the sword was raised just like that, and it did not hit Tuoba Yao, who was holding her stomachache and had no defense at all.

As soon as Meng Zhuqing noticed that Tuoba Yao was like this, he stopped and stopped fighting with Su Yijing. He rushed over and asked very anxiously and worriedly: "Yao Yao, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I just have a little pain in my stomach." Tuoba Yao's teeth chattered in pain and she couldn't speak clearly, but she didn't want everyone to worry, so she still tried her best to speak.

"You're in so much pain? How could you be fine!" Meng Zhuqing didn't believe it at all.

"Come here, go and ask for the imperial doctor." Seeing Tuoba Yao in such pain, Jing Jing said hurriedly. "Meng Zhuqing, please take Yaoyao back quickly. The imperial doctor will be there soon."

Meng Zhuqing pursed her lips tightly, with a worried look on her face. She picked up Tuoba Yao and hurried back to the courtyard where they lived.

Anjing and the others were not at ease, so they followed him to the courtyard where Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao lived.

"Yao Yao, do you have a stomachache?" Jing Jing led the children to stand beside the bed and asked with concern.

Tuoba Yao endured the severe pain in her abdomen and said, "Well, it's just a stomachache." The cold sweat on her forehead became more and more intense.

Seeing Tuoba Yao's face twisted in pain, the three little beauties were very frightened and cried.

"Qi'er, Lin'er, Zhi'er, don't cry. My adoptive mother is fine. She just has a stomachache. The imperial doctor has seen her and she's fine. Don't cry." Tuoba Yao's sore teeth were still chattering. , but still tried to comfort the three little beauties.

The three little beauties were still scared, as if they were afraid that something would happen to Tuoba Yao.

Xiao Changyi thought that it was useless for him to stay here, so he took the three beauties out.

Originally, he wanted to take away An Yiqing and Su Yijing, but An Yiqing and Su Yijing were unwilling to leave. Instead, they wanted to guard Tuoba Yao, their adoptive mother.

Even though there was severe pain in her abdomen, Tuoba Yao was still very moved.

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