Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1775 I'm Not the Only One

As soon as he saw Shi Shi, Gong Juechen ordered: "Shi Shi, although you have not completed the task I assigned you, but now I have a chance to make up for it, that is - you go back and continue to be with Qi Weimeng. , and Qi Weimeng gave birth to many fat babies.”

After a pause, Gong Juechen said again: "Don't let me down again."

Shi Shi couldn't believe that Gong Juechen would give her such a task to make up for her mistakes. For a moment, she just stared at Gong Juechen with wide eyes, unable to say a word.

Ye Zhi quickly helped up Shi Shi who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "Your poster always does things based on his mood. It's not like you don't know. Why are you so surprised? Get up, go out and pack your things and get ready. , go back to Qi Weimeng.”

As soon as Shi Shi was helped up, she knelt down again. This time, she knelt down towards Ye Zhi: "Thank you, madam!"

She knew that Gong Juechen always acted according to his mood, but Gong Juechen, the poster, was not so kind to let her give birth to many fat babies for Qi Weimeng, but now their poster actually ordered her like this. She was not stupid, so she naturally knew that it was all Ye Zhi helped.

Seeing Shi Shi kneeling down to thank Ye Zhi, Gong Juechen was very satisfied. Compared with Shi Shi kneeling on himself, he would rather Shi Shi kneel on his Zhizhi. His Zhizhi is his treasure

Not long after Shi Shi left the Slayer Tower, someone from the Madam sent a letter to Gong Juechen.

Seeing that it was Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi who asked him to help find Shi Shi in the letter, and also said that Qi Weimeng was in a state of despair, Gong Juechen laughed: "Zhizhi, we've got it wrong, look."

Ye Zhi took the letter and read it. After reading it, she also smiled: "It shows that I am not the only one who wants Qi Weimeng and Shi Shi to be together."

"Zhizhi, if it weren't for you, I would definitely have let Shishi commit suicide, let alone let her go back to Qi Weimeng and give birth to a fat baby for Qi Weimeng."

"Okay, you've said this three hundred times, are you annoyed? Don't you just want me to kiss you?" After saying that, Ye Zhi kissed Gong Juechen, "Is that okay?"

Gong Juechen immediately smiled and said, "Okay."

Gong Juechen thought for a while, then walked to the door and told his subordinates standing outside: "Go and pass a message to Xiao Changyi, saying that Shi Shi has returned to the imperial capital, so there is no need to look for him."


Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing had just received the news from Gong Juechen that Shi Shi had returned to the imperial capital. They didn't even have time to send someone to tell Qi Weimeng. Instead, Qi Weimeng sent someone to tell Jing Jing that Shi Shi had returned and was still talking to him. They reconciled, he tore up the divorce papers, and Shi Shi also figured it out and was willing to give him a child.

He also said that Shi Shi apologized to Qi Tengfei and Mrs. Qi, and Qi Tengfei and Mrs. Qi were generous people. Seeing that Shi Shi was willing to give birth to a child for Qi Weimeng, they had been unhappy with Shi Shi before. They all chose to forget it and never mentioned a word again.

Family and everything will be prosperous.

Seeing Qi Weimeng's people say this, Jing Jing thought that Shi Shi had really figured it out and was willing to give birth to Qi Weimeng's child, and only then came back to be with Qi Weimeng. However, Jing Jing was still very happy for Qi Weimeng and Shi Shi that the two could reconcile and be together.

And this day happens to be October 15th.

Fifteen, the day of reunion.

As soon as Qi Weimeng finished his report, he was sent back by Jingjing. Jingjing and Xiao Changyi looked at each other first, then walked out of the house and stood at the door of the house, looking at the children in the yard.

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