Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1774 You want her to die

As for how to deal with Shi Shi, Gong Juechen didn't care, and just said: "It's up to you. You can deal with it however you want. I'll listen to you."

The corners of Ye Zhi's mouth couldn't help but turn up a little, "She seems to really like Qi Weimeng. Look at her, she would rather commit suicide than go back to Qi's house to work as an undercover agent again. Fortunately, I stopped her in time, otherwise, she would really have She died in front of us. However, she was stubborn. You didn't let her go to the dungeon. She couldn't commit suicide, so she went to the dungeon on her own initiative. "

Gong Juechen said: "For those who fail to fulfill the order of the building owner, there are two consequences. One is to commit suicide and die as an apology; the other is to go to the dungeon and never be able to get out of the 1,360 rules of the Slayer Tower. Mentioned it, you must not have seen that yet.”

""Ye Zhi really didn't see that. If she wanted to be completely familiar with the Slaughter Sky Tower, there were too many things she needed to see. The Slaughter Sky Tower has existed for hundreds of years, with generations of descendants, and nearly 100,000 members. She hasn't even read the members' information yet. Not to mention the businesses that Shou Tianlou does, which are spread all over the world.

That huge number

There are many talented people

It’s no wonder that it’s so easy for Slayer Tianlou to conquer the world.

Ye Zhi just kept silent and said: "Since you listen to me, then let her leave the Slayer Tower tomorrow and go back to Qi Weimeng. I can't do anything to beat a mandarin duck. I know Qi Weimeng, he really likes Shi Shi."

"Zhizhi, you want her to die."

"What? I obviously let her be with Qi Weimeng for her own good. If I really want her to die, what can I do to stop her from committing suicide?"

Gong Juechen said slowly and calmly: "She has been a member of the Slayer Tower since she was born. People in the Slayer Tower can do without love and love, but they cannot be without loyalty. This has been true for generations. If you let her leave the Slayer Tower, that is He is forcing her to die to show his loyalty to Slayer."


"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

"Then forget it. If she really dies, I was the one who forced her to die. I will definitely feel guilty. After all, she was also a soldier led by the boss and I. I still have some feelings for her. How could I let her He's dead like this." After a pause, Ye Zhi added with great annoyance: "She won't leave the Slayer Tower, and she doesn't want to go back to being an undercover agent, so what should we do if she and Qi Weimeng really end up like this? ah?"

Gong Juechen didn't care at all about the outcome of Shi Shi and Qi Weimeng, but Gong Juechen didn't want to bother Ye Zhi, so he said, "I have a way."

Ye Zhi immediately asked urgently: "What can I do?"

"I'll give her another mission to make up for it."

"What mission?"

"The mission is" Gong Juechen, who was listening carefully with a playful smile, kissed Ye Zhi on the lips before continuing: "Let her be with Qi Weimeng and have many fat babies. What do you think?"

Ye Zhi was stunned.

Gong Juechen said with a playful smile: "As long as I give my order, there's no way she won't listen."

Ye Zhi was overjoyed: "What a great idea you have!"

"Then kiss me"


"I'd better kiss you!" After saying that, Gong Juechen directly pressed Ye Zhi down on the bed.

Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen didn't go to the dungeon until the next day.

The dungeon is gloomy, with many cells inside, but none of the cells are locked, and no one is watching over the cells. There are many people in the cells who have not completed their tasks, but because of their loyalty, everyone comes in voluntarily, and there is no one at all. Escape.

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