Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1773…You are justified

The madam was surprised. Shi Shi is from their building. Didn't he go back to the Slayer Tower? However, looking at the way An Jing and the others are looking for Shi Shi, they must not know that Shi Shi is a member of the Slayer Tower.

With this thought in mind, the old bustard said without changing his expression: "Don't worry, Your Majesty and Queen, I will immediately have someone convey your words to the poster."

Before the news that Jing Jing asked Gong Juechen to help find Shi Shi was conveyed to Gong Juechen, Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi saw Shi Shi.

Killing Heaven Tower.

Gong Juechen saw Shi Shi, but he didn't feel strange at all. Even Ye Zhi couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that Shi Shi was actually from the Slayer Tower, and that Shi Shi married Qi Weimeng. Undercover.

So, Ye Zhi immediately got angry with Gong Juechen: "Giving money is a matter for people in your building, and you didn't tell me?!"

Gong Juechen only felt that he was wronged, "Everyone in the Slayer Tower is registered. Aren't the books in the study room? It's obvious that you haven't read them yet."

Ye Zhi was choked, but still couldn't control her anger: "Then can't you take the initiative to tell me?!"

Gong Juechen said: "Because you need to be familiar with everything in the Slaughter Sky Tower. Recently, I have been taking care of Lele. In addition, I also have to teach Xingxing martial arts and medical skills. I was so busy that I didn't even think about Shi Shi."

"You are right."

"Zhizhi, I asked her to join the military camp as a female soldier to protect you. As for the fact that I asked her to marry Qi Weimeng, it was Su Chengyu who killed the five clans of my mother's family. I'm worried that he will treat you and lustfully. It’s not good, it’s just placing some undercover agents around people who are loyal to him, so don’t be angry with me.”

Ye Zhi gave Gong Juechen a complicated look before sighing: "I'm not really angry with you, I just hate this feeling of being deceived."

At this moment, she finally understood why Shi Shi liked to follow her every time she killed enemies on the battlefield. It turned out that he wanted to protect her.

"I don't want to lie to you, but you didn't like me at that time, and I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I had no choice but to send someone to the military camp to protect you."

"I don't like you now either!" Ye Zhi said harshly.

Gong Juechen hugged her with a playful smile, "Our Jialele is almost two years old. Please stop doing this. If you talk too much, it will be bad if I really believe it."

Ye Zhi struggled meaningfully twice, but when she couldn't break free, she gave up and stopped struggling, letting Gong Juechen continue to hold her shamelessly.

"Don't hide anything from me anymore!" Ye Zhi demanded.

"Since I told you my identity, how can I hide anything from you? Don't worry, I won't hide it from you anymore. I'll tell you everything. That's it, right?"

Ye Zhi was now satisfied, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up: "Yeah."

When Gong Juechen saw Ye Zhi like this, he couldn't hold it back. He lowered his head and kissed the upturned corner of Ye Zhi's mouth.

Ye Zhi was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes.

When Gong Juechen saw Ye Zhi closing his eyes, the smile on his lips became even wider. Without any hesitation, he kissed Ye Zhi on the lips instead, and kissed her for a long time. Just when Gong Juechen planned to just have sex with Ye Zhi. While sleeping, Ye Zhi caught his hands that were wandering around her body.

"Don't go too far!" Ye Zhi opened her eyes with a bit of anger. "I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Gong Juechen immediately laughed out loud, kissed Ye Zhi on the lips again, and then helped Ye Zhi sit down again.

Ye Zhi lowered her head, adjusted her clothes with a blush on her cheeks, and then asked: "Shi Shi, what are you going to do?"

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