Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1772 No wonder you recognized it

Jing Jing pulled Xiao Changyi to a corner and made sure no one could hear her talking to her husband. Then she told Xiao Changyi that something might happen to Shi Shi.

After listening, Xiao Changyi asked: "What are you going to do?"

Jing Jing lowered her voice and said, "I'm going to ask Gong Juechen to have Slayer check it out and see if we can find out where she is."

Xiao Changyi disagreed: "It is inappropriate to use the power of the Slayer Tower for a charity."

"Shi Shi is a soldier I personally brought out. Even if you don't care about it, for the sake of the Qi family's loyalty to Xiyun, can we help her with this?"

Without waiting for Xiao Changyi to speak again, Jing Jing said again: "I know what you are worried about. You are worried that the Slayer Tower will be involved and harm the Slayer Tower. You will finally be safe and be destroyed, but you are just worried that the Slayer Tower will be harmed. Investigate secretly, find out the information and tell us, if we tell Qi Weimeng, it won’t be exposed to Slayer Tianlou, so it shouldn’t matter.”

Seeing that Jing Jing's words went so far, Xiao Changyi nodded: "Then let Slayer Tower help investigate."

Jing Jing became troubled: "But there is a problem. It's always the people from the Slayer Tower who are looking for us, but we have never looked for the Slayer Tower. Moreover, we can't contact Gong Juechen where he is now. How can we let the Slayer Tower get in touch?" Can you help me check?"

Xiao Changyi was silent for a long time and then said: "Isn't Nuanhuan Pavilion from Slayer Tower? We can go to Nuanhuan Pavilion."

Jing Jing was unwilling to enter a brothel, but she had no choice now, "Well, I'll go with you in the evening disguised as a man."


Nuanhuan Pavilion also moved from the Imperial Capital to the Imperial Capital.

Nuanhuan Pavilion is really too profitable.

The dignitaries and wealthy businessmen of the imperial capital have all moved to the imperial capital, so naturally they will also move here and continue to make a lot of money.

That night, Xiao Changyi, Anjing, and Meng Zhuqing entered Nuanhuan Pavilion. As she said during the day, Anjing was a woman disguised as a man.

As soon as he entered Nuanhuan Pavilion, Meng Zhuqing took out a banknote and handed it to the boy waiting inside, "We want to see your madam."

The boy immediately took the banknote with a smile on his face and said, "Then wait a moment, I will invite our bustard mother to see you."

The madam came soon.

Before the madam could speak, An Jing whispered three words to the madam: "Gong Juechen."

The madam was stunned for a moment, then calmly and professionally waved her powdery scented handkerchief towards Jing Jing, with the madam's signature smile on her face, "You three guests, it turns out you want to see Peony. In that case, come with me.”

Knowing that this was the Madam's excuse, in order to cover up others' eyes, Anjing and the others naturally did not argue stupidly, but followed the Madam upstairs and into the Madam's room.

After the door was closed, the old madam smiled and asked, "I wonder what the king and queen are doing?"

Jing Jing was a little surprised: "Do you know who we are?"

The old bustard said: "Before leaving the imperial capital, the host told me that if someone comes to me and mentions his name, it must be from the king. Although the queen is dressed as a man, she has pierced ears. In addition, I have seen Find out what the queen looks like by looking for her notice."

Jing Jing nodded, "No wonder you recognized it."

After a pause, Anjing said: "I came to you because I want you to tell your landlord that we want him to help find the whereabouts of a person."

"Who are you looking for?"

“The wife of General Qi’s mighty power, Shi Shi.”

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