Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1801 You can go back to the countryside

As for Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi, they had already returned to Slayer Tower two months ago. Gong Le and Su Yixing were taken to the Slayer Tower together.

When Gong Le left, the three little beauties burst into tears, feeling that they had no sisters anymore. And they really wanted a sister.

When Gong Juechen saw the three beauties acting like this, he smiled evilly and said, "No matter how little Lele is my sister, she is not your biological sister. If you really want a sister, just ask your mother to give you a sister."

Gong Juechen said it happily and left very simply, but Anjing was annoyed to death, because since Gong Juechen left, the three little beauties asked Anjing to give birth to a sister for them every day. I still can’t laugh or cry.

Even Jing Jing was annoyed by the noise and looked at Xiao Changyi jokingly: "Ms. sir, how about we have a sister?"

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything, and just took the three little beauties to play elsewhere, so as not to let the three little beauties make any noise.

On September 15th, it was the third birthday of the three little beauties. There was no big event, but just a simple celebration with the family. On this day, Su Chengyuan also took time out of the military camp and came to the palace to celebrate the birthdays of the three little beauties.

Of course, Su Chengyuan came for more than just this purpose. She also brought Qi Lili with her.

In front of brothers and sisters-in-law such as Xiao Changyi, Jing Jing, Su Chengyu, Ning Wenxian, etc., Su Chengyuan said that she and Qi Li were in love and hoped that Xiao Changyi and Su Chengyu would become kings and emperors.

The daughters of ordinary people here can't make their own decisions about their marriages, and Su Chengyuan is still a princess, even less able to make her own decisions.

Qi Lili is Qi Tengfei's youngest son. He and Su Chengyuan met in the military camp and have known each other for several years.

Qi Lili has a gentle appearance, good literary and military skills, and a very good character. In addition, Xiao Changyi and Su Chengyu have no intention of marrying Su Chengyuan as a political victim. Therefore, Su Chengyuan brought Qi Li with him. Wu Li knelt in front of them and asked for permission. Xiao Changyi and Su Chengyu immediately agreed to marry, and finally decided to get married three months later.

Su Chengyuan is Su Haoyu's youngest daughter. Once Su Chengyuan gets married, it can be said that the burden on Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing's shoulders has been almost lifted.

The younger brothers and sisters are all happy, and the two younger brothers Su Chengyu and Gong Juechen are also well. They have fulfilled their responsibilities as elder brother and sister-in-law, and can retire to the countryside at any time.

Originally, they thought that it would be difficult for them to live a simple pastoral life in this life, but they did not expect that

It's true that people's calculations are not as good as God's calculations, and things in the world are unpredictable.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were filled with emotions.

On December 16, Su Chengyuan and Qi Lili got married.

But that night, An Anjing nestled in Xiao Changyi's arms and asked with a smile: "Ms. sir, can we let Meng Zhuqing find a place to live in seclusion where we don't know each other now?"

Xiao Changyi couldn't help but tighten his arms holding her and nodded: "Well, I'll let Meng Zhuqing find her tomorrow."

"Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing will definitely follow you. When the place is found, let Meng Zhuqing build a few more houses and make them three families, so that they can bring their wives and children to live together, which will save them having to live in the open."

"Yeah." Xiao Changyi had no objection. Since there are three households, there must be distance between the households and they are not living in the same courtyard, so he can accept it.

"I told you before that when our three little beauties are older, we will go visit Xiaolan. Now the three little beauties are over three years old. After the New Year, we will go to Jiuping Village. ”

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