Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1802 Can’t go together

Without waiting for Xiao Changyi to speak, Jing Jing added: "We are going to live in seclusion, so we have to visit her once. By the way, we also have a look at our former home, where we have many memories."

"Yeah." Xiao Changyi still had no objection. And the memories of that home are really beautiful.

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month of Anjing's fourteenth year, Anjing and Xiao Changyi planned to leave for Jiuping Village to see Shi Xiaolan.

But the three little beauties refused to let them get on the horse, and hugged their legs and refused to let go.

"Dad, Mom, can't you take us with you?" The three little beauties are really very active. Seeing that Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi are going out and won't be back for a while, the three little beauties want to go out and play with them.

The three little beauties were just over three years old. Taking them with them would only slow down the trip, so Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi decided not to take the three little beauties with them.

However, looking at the three little beauties hugging their legs, raising their little faces, their eyes shining, looking forward to them taking them out to play, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi both felt that the three little beauties were really cute like this, which made them My heart softened.

"The road is too far. If I take you there, we don't know when we can come back." Jing Jing smiled and reassured. "Aren't your eldest, third and fourth brothers at home? Your adoptive mother will also be at home with your younger brother Yuanze. They will play with you. You guys should be good. If your father and mother see something interesting on the road, , I will buy it for you to play with.”

At this time, Su Yijing, An Yiqing, and An Yiyun, who were standing on the side, stepped forward and separated the legs of their beautiful brother and their parents one by one.

"Brother, if you let me ride on your shoulders, I will let my parents go." Being pulled by Su Yijing, An Yiqi wanted to hug Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi's legs, but found that he couldn't break away from Su Yijing's hold. , he raised his little face in a coquettish voice and negotiated terms with the eldest brother Su Yijing very seriously.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi only found it funny.

The corner of Su Yijing's mouth twitched slightly, but he still nodded in response: "I'll let you ride later."

When An Yiqi heard this, he immediately became happy.

An Yilin and An Yizhi were much better behaved. One was pulled by An Yiqing, and the other was pulled by An Yiyun. They didn't bother An Yiqing and An Yiyun to ride on each other's shoulders.

Without the three little beauties holding their legs, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi could leave. As soon as they got on their horses, they said a few words to the children and gave some instructions before Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi rode away.

Meng Lanqing and Qin Yi accompanied them.

In other words, four people were traveling together to Jiuping Village.

Because the imperial capital was far away from Jiuping Village, it took Jingjing and Xiao Changyi eight days to reach Jiuping Village on horseback.

Today's Jiuping Village is very different from the original Jiuping Village. Not only is the village bigger, there are more houses in it, and every household is not too dilapidated. It is obvious that everyone in Jiuping Village is living a better life now.

The thatched house that Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi lived in for Shi Xiaolan is still there, but no one lives in it anymore. Shi Xiaolan and Wu Xiaoshan already have their own house in the village, with several rooms and a large yard.

When Anjing was kidnapped by Dongfang Tianyang's people, Meng Lanqing had come to Jiuping Village to inquire about Shi Xiaolan's situation, so he knew where Shi Xiaolan lived, so he took Anjing and Xiao Changyi directly to Shi Xiaolan's home. .

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