Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1819 Why are you not annoyed anymore?

In order to ease the embarrassment, An Jing turned around and asked Ye Zhi: "Ye Zi, don't you plan to have another child?"

Although Ye Zhi had not been coaxed by Gong Juechen, she answered An Jing's words: "It's too painful to have a child, I don't want to have another child."

Gong Juechen immediately nodded heavily, "It's really too painful, even if she wants to have a child, I won't let her have one."

Xiao Changyi was upset. It was as if he wanted his wife to have a child. God knows he didn't want his wife to have another child at all, but now she is pregnant, what else can she do except give birth to the child?

Gong Juechen continued: "Besides, our family has Lele as one child, we don't need so many."

Ye Zhi didn't want to have another child, thanks to Gong Juechen's special support. Now hearing what Gong Juechen said, Ye Zhi softened her expression and didn't care about Gong Juechen's words just now.

An Jing glanced at Xiao Changyi and smiled, "It hurts to give birth, but it only lasts for a while. Now I'm pregnant again. No matter what, I will give birth."

Ye Zhi just looked at An Jing with admiration.

When she gave birth to her baby daughter, she was in so much pain that she was dying. When she gave birth, she told Gong Juechen that she would not give birth again. Gong Juechen didn't want to see her in so much pain again, so of course he agreed without saying anything.

She should only have Gong Le in this life. She and Gong Juechen naturally love Gong Le very much. Basically, they can follow Gong Le, their baby daughter, and follow this baby daughter.

An Jing was pregnant again. As soon as she left An Jing, Su Yixing wrote a letter to his eldest brother, third brother, and fourth brother to tell them the good news. After the letter was written and sent, Su Yixing took Huo Qingyi out of the Killing Heaven Tower and really went to the temple closest to the Killing Heaven Tower to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Su Yixing really hoped that An Jing could give him a sister.

After Su Yixing, Gong Juechen, and Ye Zhi left them, An Jing said to Xiao Changyi: "Husband, I'm pregnant again."

Xiao Changyi responded calmly with "Oh".

An Jing laughed immediately: "Why aren't you annoyed?"

Xiao Changyi said: "I'm used to it."

"Haha." An Jing laughed twice. "Fortunately, there is only one this time. If it is multiple births, even if you are used to it, you will definitely be annoyed. It feels like we have been taking care of children most of our lives, haha."

Xiao Changyi just looked at her.

"What are you doing?" An Jing found it even more funny.

Xiao Changyi then said: "Fortunately Xing'er made a contraceptive pill."

An Jing immediately raised one eyebrow: "Do you mean that you don't want me to get pregnant again?"

"Don't ask when you know the answer." After a pause, "It hurts too much." Not only did she feel pain, but he felt even more pain watching her.

An Jing smiled again: "I know you don't want me to feel pain. Since there is a thing called contraceptive pills now, I will naturally not have another child in the future. Just have this one, and it will be our last child, okay?"

In fact, childbirth is really painful. Even though she has always longed for a daughter, her family already has seven sons, and the children are really enough. There is no need to have another child. Therefore, she has always let nature take its course, and it doesn't matter whether she gets pregnant or not.

But now she is pregnant again, and she is getting older. If she gets pregnant again in the future, it is not like modern times, and the risk of giving birth is greater. It is better for her not to have another child so as not to worry her husband.

Xiao Changyi didn't plan to let An Jing have another child. Seeing An Jing say this, he nodded: "Yeah."

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