Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1820 This is nothing at all

Not wanting to have a quiet pregnancy and have to worry about three little beauties, Su Yixing decided to leave the three little beauties in the Slayer Tower for him to take care of.

However, when Su Yixing told An Jing and the others about this decision, the three little beauties were very happy to continue to stay in the Slayer Tower, but An Jing and Xiao Changyi clearly expressed their disagreement.

The three little beauties were dissatisfied: "Father, mother, why don't you let us stay here?"

Jingjing pulled them to her side and explained in a good voice: "You still have to study. If you are here, how will you study?"

Although the three little beauties did not go to school, Jing Jing, Xiao Changyi, Meng Zhuqing and others took turns teaching the three little beauties how to read and write since they were more than four years old.

When the three beauties heard this, they said nothing more, but they pursed their lips in grievance. They just want to play, they don't want to read or read.

Su Yixing smiled calmly and said: "Mom, this is nothing at all. Doesn't Lele also need to study? The right protector is well-informed and knowledgeable. Master and his wife have never taught Lele anything. They are all right protectors. I’m teaching. At worst, I’ll just ask the right protector to teach our three little beauties.”

Upon hearing that Youhu was well-informed and knowledgeable, Jing Jing was a little shaken and couldn't help but ask: "Then Youhu is willing?"

Su Yixing said: "Why am I also the young master of the Slaughter Sky Tower? He will be willing to do this little thing."

Jing Jing looked at Xiao Changyi and saw Xiao Changyi nodded towards her. Then she smiled and agreed: "In that case, let Qi'er Lin'er Zhi'er stay here."

Her second son was a filial son, and he didn't want her to worry about her three little beauties when she was pregnant. If the three little beauties could learn more by staying in the Slayer Tower, why wouldn't she do it?

Su Yixing immediately urged: "Qi'er, Lin'er, Zhi'er, please thank mother and father quickly."

The three little beauties immediately thanked me happily: "Thank you, mother! Thank you, father!"

An Jing patted the heads of the three little beauties lovingly, "You stay here and listen to your second brother, you know?"

Although her second son always asks her three little beauties to give him good things, other than this, her second son is still quite reliable.

"I know!" The three beauties nodded immediately.

On the sixth day of June, Jingxing Qingyun’s fifteenth birthday.

Because Jing Xing and Qing Yun were not in the same place, and An Jing and Xiao Changyi happened to be at Su Yixing's place, An Jing and Xiao Changyi could only celebrate Su Yixing's birthday alone.

That night, Su Yixing took a bath in the huge bathtub.

The bathtub was strewn with flower petals and filled with mist. Su Yixing soaked in the water and sat on the edge of the bathtub.

Huo Qingyi knelt and sat by the bathtub, serving Su Yixing.

Taking the wine cup from Huo Qingyi's hand, Su Yixing took a sip before returning the wine cup to Huo Qingyi.

Huo Qingyi put the wine cup back on the small table next to it.

The atmosphere was very quiet, no one spoke, but it was extremely harmonious and harmonious.

Ever since Huo Qingyi followed Su Yixing, it was Huo Qingyi's task to help Su Yixing take a bath.

"You didn't prepare a gift for me?" Suddenly, Su Yixing turned around, causing a huge splash of water, lying on the edge of the pool, looking at Huo Qingyi, and asked with a smile.

Last year, Huo Qingyi didn't prepare a gift for him on his birthday. At that time, he used this to make things difficult for Huo Qingyi.

Huo Qingyi was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "I'm ready, but the gift is a bit shabby, and I'm afraid the young master won't accept it."

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