Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1834 The sooner the better

When she saw Su Yijing's first sentence, Qingqing asked: "Will you be good to me forever?"


"Then let's get married."

"Yeah." Nodding this time, Su Yijing put a smile on his face. Although they only knew her for more than two months, he wanted to hold hands with her for a lifetime.

"Are you really going to get married?" Jing Jing couldn't believe it when he learned that Su Yijing and Qingqing were getting married.

Without waiting for Su Yijing and Qingqing to reply, Jingjing took Qingqing's hand and said, "Qingqing, did Jing'er force you? If so, tell me honestly, I will definitely deal with him."

Qingqing was a little shy about getting married, and her face was slightly red, but she still shook her head and said, "He didn't force me, I was willing."

When Jing Jing heard that the two of them were in love, she was instantly overjoyed: "That's great! I'm finally going to have a daughter-in-law!"

At this moment, the reason why Jing Jing doesn't object at all is because in the past two months, she has also seen that Qing Qing is really a good girl, mainly because of her good personality, which makes her not annoying.

Su Yijing then said: "Mom, I want to hold a wedding as soon as possible." After a pause, "The sooner the better."

Xiao Changyi frowned: "Can't we wait until your mother gives birth to the baby?" His wife is already six months pregnant and will give birth in three months. Could it be that his son can't even wait three months?

Looking at his mother's big belly, Su Yijing hesitated. If he gets married, his mother will definitely not be able to help but worry about it, and he doesn't want his mother to worry about their sons when she is pregnant.

Qingqing blushed and whispered to Su Yijing, "Let's wait until Aunt Jing gives birth to the baby. I'm not in a hurry."

Su Yijing said in his heart that I was in a hurry. But looking at his mother's big belly, he finally decided: "Then let's wait until mother gives birth to the child before Qingqing and I get married."

Jing Jing wanted to say that if you want to get married as soon as possible, get married as soon as possible. I don't care, but before she spoke to her eldest son, her eldest son and her husband had already decided that they would not make the decision until she gave birth to the child. marriage.

Both the son and the husband had decided, and Anjing was not unable to accept this decision, so it was decided.

However, Jing Jing said something else: "Although you won't get married for the time being, it's better to prepare some things in advance, such as wedding clothes and so on. Otherwise, Jing'er, you can take Qing Qing to the town together tomorrow. Are you going to prepare wedding clothes first?”

"Okay." Su Yijing had no objection.

Qingqing expressed her opinion in a low voice, "I think I can do it." In other words, she has to do it herself.

Here, basically the bride’s wedding clothes are all made by herself.

"You want to make wedding clothes yourself? That's even better!" Jing Jing was extremely happy, "Then I just have to ask Jing'er to go to the town to buy some red cloth and come back and make it for you."

"Eh." Qingqing responded with her head lowered and her face red.

Su Yijing just looked at Qingqing tenderly, feeling that Qingqing's shy look made him unable to look away.

Jing Jing just felt that the girls here were so shy about getting married. I remember when she got married, tsk tsk

After Su Yijing bought the red cloth from the nearest town to them and watched Qingqing skillfully use scissors and needlework to make the wedding dress, Jingjing and the others realized that Qingqing's red dress was very good.

Qingqing herself was also very surprised.

At that time, she just thought that she should be able to make wedding clothes, but she didn't expect that she was such a good actress.

Qingqing not only made wedding clothes for herself, but also made wedding clothes for Su Yijing. Baidu searches for the latest chapters of "Nongmen Chang'an Jiezhong Literature" for free as soon as possible.

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