Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1835 So direct

It took more than half a month for Qingqing to finish the wedding clothes for her and Su Yijing, which attracted Anjing and Tuoba Yao to praise them. The wedding clothes were really well made and there were many things embroidered on them.

Qingqing's embroidery work is also really outstanding.

As soon as December arrives, the weather becomes even colder, and the north wind always howls by, like a ghost crying and wolves howling. It is really scary to hear this kind of sound especially at night.


Qingqing was nestling in the quilt to keep warm, with her eyes open and staring at the oil lamp. She was a little unable to sleep, but she heard Su Yijing's knock on the door. Qingqing immediately got up, put on a coat, and came to open the door for Su Yijing.

When Su Yijing saw that Qingqing was wearing thin clothes, he quickly asked Qingqing to lie down on the bed again.

After closing the door to prevent the cold wind from blowing in, Su Yijing walked to Qingqing's bed, sat on the round stool beside the bed, and gave Qingqing what he was holding: "Here you go."

The thing is a peach core on a red string. The peach core is to ward off evil spirits.

"Did you make it?" Qingqing asked slowly while taking the peach core and looking at it.

"Yeah." After a pause, "I made it especially for you."

Qingqing's face turned red and she stopped talking. She just looked at the peach core carefully for a while before putting the peach core on her wrist.

Her wrists are fair and the red rope tied around them makes her look even more beautiful. But Qingqing did not look at the red rope, but still looked down at the peach core on the red rope.

"Since you put it on, you are not allowed to take it off." Su Yijing was very satisfied that Qingqing took the initiative to put the thing on her wrist.

He is always so domineering, but Qingqing rarely disagrees with him: "What if I take it off?"

"It's better that you don't know the answer to this question." After a pause, "This is my love token for you."

token of love

Qingqing's face turned even redder. She looked at the walnut carefully and found that the word "scape" was engraved on the walnut, which made her face feel even hotter.

On the fourth day of December, Anjing was seven months pregnant, and on that day, it started to snow heavily.

It snowed for two days and two nights before it stopped. Everything was covered in snow. Anjing liked the snow very much and wanted to play in the snow. However, because of her pregnancy, Anjing didn't play in the snow even if she wanted to, considering the child in her belly.

She just stood at the door of the hall with Xiao Changyi, watching Su Yijing walking outside in the ice and snow with Qing Qing, who also liked snow.

"Ms. sir, our family is very well off." Looking at it, An Jing couldn't help but sigh with a smile. "I used to be worried that his personality would make it difficult to get married. Since Qingqing showed up, I realized that I was just worrying because he was taking the initiative." After a pause, "Same as you."

Xiao Changyi is very satisfied with his eldest son, "Now that I meet someone I like, I will naturally pursue it."

"That's right." Jing Jing smiled, "I prefer to be more direct."

Xiao Changyi immediately said: "Me too."

"Hahaha" Jingjing finally couldn't control herself and laughed loudly, she was so happy. If she and he were not direct at the beginning, she and he would not know when they would be able to be together.

Sometimes being direct is really good.

This shows that at this moment, she does not regret her directness at all, and she is also very satisfied with her husband's directness.

Just when An Jing was laughing loudly, Qingqing accidentally stepped on a frozen place in the distance and slipped.


When Qingqing slipped, her head hit the thick tree trunk buried in the snow on the ground. Baidu searches for the latest chapters of "Nongmen Chang'an Jiezhong Literature" for free as soon as possible.

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