Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1840 He is dead

Seeing that Su Yijing's expression remained as usual, Anjing pursed her lips, and then quickly interrupted Su Yixing and said, "Stop talking, Qingqing is gone, and your eldest brother has no one to marry for the time being."

"Gone?" Su Yixing was stunned for a moment, and then asked in confusion: "Where have you gone?"

"She regained her memory and left secretly without even telling us her real name."

Su Yixing glanced at his expressionless eldest brother before asking, "Do you want me to help you look for him?"

Jing Jing sighed: "It's better not to look for her. Your eldest brother doesn't want to look for her."

Regarding the fact that Su Yixing was the owner of the Killing Sky Tower, Su Yixing had already written to Su Yijing, An Yiqing, and An Yiyun to inform his family members that they knew about the month that An Jing and Xiao Changyi went to the Killing Sky Tower.

For the sake of Su Yixing's safety, Su Yijing and the others would naturally not leak this matter.

Seeing that Su Yijing, the eldest brother, didn't want to talk to Qingqing anymore, and obviously didn't want to mention Qingqing, Su Yixing changed the subject and said with a smile: "Mom, Lele originally wanted to follow, but this Chinese New Year, The master and the mistress refused to let this precious girl come here with me, so she didn't come. The day before I came, Lele cried a lot because of this, which was funny. "

Jing Jing couldn't help being amused: "Is she so clingy to you?"

"She is not clinging to me. She just wants to come to play with her brother Qing. Doesn't the third brother also come during the Chinese New Year? But mother, if she really comes, the third brother will definitely tease her again."

After a pause, Su Yixing began to complain: "It's true that the third brother is very nice to other girls, so how can he be so bad to Lele? This has caused me to be told by my master and my wife that I must never Like my third brother, I don’t know how to show mercy to others.”

"Your third brother is dead. No matter what you say, he won't listen. But fortunately, he didn't do anything too outrageous." Jing Jing was helpless and lucky at the same time.

Su Yixing said: "Mom, let me tell you something. When the third brother comes, you must teach him a lesson."

"What's going on?"

"The third brother is always going in and out of Nuanhuan Pavilion now." An Yiqing knew that he was the owner of the Slayer Tower, but he didn't know that Nuanhuan Pavilion belonged to the Slayer Tower. Therefore, no matter how many times An Yiqing went in and out of Nuanhuan Pavilion, he This young master knows everything. Of course, his master knew better.


Xiao Changyi: ""

Jing Jing just kept silent and said, "We'll talk to him when he comes."

Hearing Nuanhuan Pavilion, the little beauty An Yiqi came over curiously and asked Anjing: "Mother, where is Nuanhuan Pavilion? Why can't third brother go? But why did second brother let me and my sixth and seventh brothers? When I grow up, I will go in and make money."

"" Jing Jing's mouth twitched, and she squeezed out a sound from between her teeth, "Su, Yi, Xing!"

"Mom, I'm too tired from traveling, so I'm going back to my room to rest." Su Yixing quickly rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and quickly ran away without a trace.

When Huo Qingyi saw Su Yixing leaving, he quickly chased after Su Yixing.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" The eight-year-old beauty An Yiqi didn't understand what was wrong with An Jing. "Are you angry?"

"Good boy," Jingjing quickly calmed down and said to An Yiqi angrily, "After the New Year, you will follow your eldest brother, and you are not allowed to follow your second brother anymore."

"Why?" An Yiqi was dissatisfied, "Second brother has a lot of fun things, but eldest brother doesn't have any!"

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