Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1841 All she needs to do is be obedient.

"Your second brother will teach you bad things!"

Originally she thought her second son was quite reliable, but now it seems that she overestimated her second son. Her second son actually asked her three little beauties to stay in a brothel! Fuck you! If she hadn't had a big belly and couldn't move around, she would have chased and beaten her second son! This is too much!

An Yiqi was still dissatisfied, "Second brother didn't teach us bad things. We had a lot of fun at his place."

"Will mother harm you? Be obedient."

Seeing An Jing's face darken, An Yiqi did not express his dissatisfaction, but said in a very low voice: "Mother, I'm a little afraid of big brother."

Jing Jing immediately laughed: "Are you still afraid of your elder brother? Who always negotiated terms with your elder brother when he was a child? Don't be estranged from your elder brother just because your elder brother has been in the military camp for a few years. Look at you six years ago. Brother and Seventh Brother, it’s good not to stay with your elder brother, why can’t you?”

An Yiqi pursed his lips and said nothing.

At this time, Su Yijing spoke and shouted to An Yiqi expressionlessly: "Qi'er, come here."

"Hey, here we come!" An Yiqi immediately changed his face and ran towards Su Yijing extremely happily.

Jing Jing only found it funny.

Don't think she can't see that her fifth son is not so much afraid of her eldest son as he respects and loves her eldest son. The eldest brother is the father. In the eyes of her fifth son, Su Yijing, the eldest brother, is equivalent to his second father.

That night, Su Yixing didn't dare to eat with An Jing and Xiao Changyi, for fear that An Jing and Xiao Changyi would beat him up.

It was Huo Qingyi who brought the food to the room for Su Yixing to eat.

After dinner, Su Yixing went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, he didn't go anywhere. He just lay on the bed.

The weather was very cold. Even though there was a heater in the room, Su Yixing still felt a little cold, so it was warmer to lie in bed.

After Huo Qingyi took a shower, he took out the quilt from the closet very naturally and prepared to make a mat on the floor.

But before she put the quilt on the ground, she heard Su Yixing say: "Come here and sleep on the bed."

"This" Huo Qingyi hesitated.


"Yes, young master." Huo Qingyi then hugged the quilt and placed it on the only bed in the room. Fortunately, the bed was quite big and could sleep two people. And she, as a subordinate, was his, and she had to listen to him.

One bed, two quilts. Su Yixing was not honest when he fell asleep. He got into Huo Qingyi's quilt and hugged Huo Qingyi.

"Young Master" Huo Qingyi's whole body was stiff and he did not dare to break away from Su Yixing.

"What's wrong?" Su Yixing asked her in turn.

"It's okay." He is the young master, her master. He can do whatever he wants. She just needs to be obedient and obedient.

"Then why are you as stiff as a piece of wood?"

"Not used to it."

"What are you not used to? Not used to me holding you to sleep?"


"The more you do it, the more you'll get used to it." Su Yixing said in a tone that didn't think it was a big deal.

"Yes, young master." Huo Qingyi tried his best to relax his body.


a long time.

When Huo Qingyi thought that Su Yixing was asleep and she was just relaxing, Su Yixing suddenly breathed hot breath into her ear and said, "You are too thin, and it feels a little clumsy when I hold you. Remember, you are too thin." Eat more and make yourself fatter, so I can feel more comfortable while holding you."

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