Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1842 He insists on this and cannot be persuaded

When Su Yixing suddenly spoke again, Huo Qingyi's whole body stiffened again. It was not until Su Yixing finished speaking that she responded obediently: "Yes, young master, I will make myself fatter."

"Yeah." Su Yixing was satisfied, and then he stopped talking and slowly fell asleep.

Huo Qingyi's body was stiff until she heard Su Yixing's even breathing and knew that Su Yixing was really asleep. Then her body slowly began to relax again.

The person holding her was her master. She originally belonged to her master. She didn't have any rejection, but she was really not used to it.

She had never been held like this before.

However, seeing that Su Yixing, her master, was sleeping so soundly, even if she was not used to it, she slowly fell asleep later.

What she didn't know was that Su Yixing opened his eyes when he heard her even breathing after she fell asleep.

Su Yixing hid from An Jing and Xiao Changyi for three days before he dared to meet An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi were really angry that Su Yixing taught the three little beauties like this, but Su Yixing was their own son after all. Although they were angry, An Jing and Xiao Changyi would not really do anything to Su Yixing.

But Su Yixing felt guilty, especially when facing his parents. Even though he knew that his parents would not do anything to him, he was still afraid that his parents would really fight with him.

When she saw Su Yixing, An Jing said unhappily: "Okay, don't hide anymore, forget about this matter, but from now on, Qi'er, Lin'er, and Zhi'er will be raised by your eldest brother, so don't mislead Qi'er, Lin'er, and Zhi'er."

Su Yixing smiled and said, "Let your eldest brother take care of them, I have no objection, as long as you are happy."

An Jing glanced at Su Yixing, and the matter was over, and it was over.

The matter has been turned over, Su Yixing is no longer cautious, but asked with a heartless smile: "Mom, it's already twenty, why haven't the third and fourth brothers come yet?"

"Isn't your fourth brother a minister? He has a lot of things to do. Your third brother is waiting for him to come. It is estimated that he will arrive at twenty-eight or twenty-nine."

"I'm not saying, mother, fourth brother is not in good health, it's better not to be a minister. I'm really worried that his body can't stand it."

"Do you think I haven't advised him? But he insisted on taking this path. And your father has already written to your second uncle, asking him to assign less work to your fourth brother so that your fourth brother won't be so tired, but your fourth brother didn't listen. Your second uncle didn't send If there is something for him to do, he will find something to do. To be honest, he is the one that mother is most worried about. "

"He insists on doing so, and we can't persuade him. There is nothing we can do. When he comes, I will take his pulse and see if I can prescribe some tonic medicine to nourish him. I hope he won't ruin his already not-so-good body."

"You can see him then. He became much thinner during the Chinese New Year last year. I haven't seen him for almost a year. I don't know if he has lost weight again now."

"Okay, I'll see him then."

An Jing estimated that An Yiqing and An Yiyun came on the 28th or 29th, but in fact, An Yiqing and An Yiyun didn't arrive until noon on New Year's Eve.

Meng Zhuqing and Meng Lanqing's families also celebrated the New Year together. Everyone was busy together and it was very lively.

When An Yiqing came, he saw Huo Qingyi following Su Yixing, and immediately approached with a playful smile, "Qingyi, you have become much more beautiful again. No wonder my second brother takes you everywhere."

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