Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1845 Baby An is born

"Okay, okay, I will listen to mother, I will listen to mother, okay?" An Yiqing agreed happily, but he had already planned in his heart. Even if he goes again, what will happen to them?

Did Jing Jing not know the character of her third son, so he said: "Don't promise so easily, you have to do it. You have never done it every time, but this time, you must do it for me, a manly man." To do it.”

"Yes, yes, I will do what I say, I will do what I say." An Yiqing promised nicely, but in his heart he said: As a ghost, I just like to eat, drink and have fun, and brothels are a good place to eat, drink and have fun. Let me never go again, nothing can be done!

Jing Jing still didn't believe An Yiqing's words, but An Yiqing's son was old and he could make the decision himself. All she and her husband could do was to do their best as parents to talk to him, educate him, and hope that he would Don't be bad. In the end, it still depends on him whether he follows her and her husband's wishes.

Thinking of this, Anjing had nothing to say. She had already said everything that needed to be said.

Xiao Changyi had nothing to say.

My parents no longer say anything about me, and An Yiqing is relaxed. An Yiqing even said happily: "Mom, your belly is so big, so don't worry about us sons anymore. We are all grown up. When your sister is born, even if you and your father give her to We'll take it with you, and we're very happy to do so, so you and your dad can enjoy peace and happiness."

Sister again

Jing Jing couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry for the first time. Her son said it as if if she gave birth to another boy this time, her sons would not be taken care of. Should the gap be so obvious?

She might as well give birth to a younger sister.

She also thinks it would be nice to have a daughter. She has seven sons but no daughter, which feels a little regretful.

On the sixth day of February, Xiao Changyi's birthday, Jingjing, Xiao Changyi, Su Yijing, Su Yixing, An Yiqing, An Yiqing, An Yiqi, An Yilin, and An Yizhi got what they wanted, and Jingjing was really born. A daughter, Su Yijing and the others really have a sister.

Su Yijing and the others were so happy that the seven of them took turns holding their sister. If Xiao Changyi's father hadn't been angry, they would have been reluctant to put their sister down.

Xiao Changyi is also very happy to have a daughter who is born on the same birthday as himself.

When Jing Jing woke up, she saw her seven sons taking turns lining up to hold her newborn daughter. She just found it funny.

"Your mother is awake, let your mother see your sister." Xiao Changyi asked An Yiqing to give him the baby An, and he wanted to hold it to An Jing.

An Yiqing had just taken over An Baobao from Su Yixing, his second brother, and gave it to Xiao Changyi. He was immediately dissatisfied, "Dad, please let me hug you again. After I finish hugging you, I can show it to mother."

Hearing this, An Yiyun was dissatisfied: "Wouldn't that take up my time to hold my baby?"

Jing Jing only found it funny.

These sons of hers, she could tell, were really super precious and precious to her daughter. Now she was even beginning to doubt whether her daughter would be pampered by her brothers in the future.

As soon as he heard An Yiyun's words, An Yiqing immediately got angry at Su Yixing, "It's all my fault, second brother, for hugging me for so long!"

Su Yixing was not angry at all, but was very happy: "Who makes our baby so cute? I don't want to put it down even if I hold it."

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