Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1846 Perfection~

An Yiqing wanted to get angry at Su Yixing again, but before he could, Xiao Changyi's face darkened, "Give me the baby."

An Yiqing felt very aggrieved and didn't want to give his baby sister to his father at all.

Seeing this, An Jing tried to smooth things over and said, "What's the big deal, Qing'er, why don't you just hold your sister to show me, you don't have to let your father hold her."

"Yes!" An Yiqing was immediately happy, holding An Baobei and walked to the bed, bending over, carefully showing An Jing who was lying on the bed.

Finally having a daughter, An Jing really felt that her life couldn't be more perfect.

An Jing first looked at her daughter's little face, then looked at her seven sons one by one, and then looked at her husband who was sitting by the bed and guarding her all the time, and An Jing's face was smiling more and more.

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything, just held her hand tightly. As always, he showed that he would never let go of her hand.

Su Yixing and An Yiyun left after An Baobao was one month old. They were so reluctant to leave that they walked a few steps and looked back at An Baobao several times before they really left.

An Yiqing originally planned that if An Jing gave him another brother, he would go with An Yiyun after his brother's third day, but who knew that it was really a sister. An Yiqing was rarely in a hurry to return to the imperial capital. An Baobao was already one month old, and he wanted to stay here. He planned to wait until An Baobao was one hundred days old before he left.

An Yiqing was very happy that Su Yixing and An Yiyun left. He even wished that An Yiqi, An Yilin, and An Yizhi would follow Su Yixing to the Killing Heaven Tower again. Of course, he also wished that his eldest brother Su Yijing would leave too, so that no one would compete with him for his sister.

You know, now, every time, you have to line up to hug your sister, and hugging is not satisfying at all.

When An Baobao was celebrating his hundredth day, Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi brought Gong Le to participate. As soon as Gong Le came, he pestered An Yiqing, and he was inevitably scolded by An Yiqing several times.

Before An Baobao's full moon ceremony, Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi didn't have time to come, and Su Chengyu didn't have time to send people over. Now, during the daytime, not only Gong Juechen and others came, but Su Chengyu also came in person. As for state affairs, they were all left to the crown prince Su Muchen.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Gong Juechen and Su Chengyu met. Even though they couldn't be as warm and free as brothers, they could sit together and drink a cup calmly.

Just when everyone had eaten An Baobao's hundred-day banquet and chatted in the yard, Ye Zhi got angry and pulled her Gong Le to An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

"Boss, brother-in-law, do you care about your An Yiqing? Look at what your An Yiqing has painted our Lele's face into!" Ye Zhi was really angry.

At this moment, Gong Le's face was full of turtles painted by An Yiqing with black ink.

When An Jing saw Gong Le's face full of assholes, she immediately got angry and yelled, "An Yiqing, come out!"

"What are you doing, mother?" An Yiqing happily hugged his baby sister and came out.

He was so happy that he finally got his sister from his big brother.

An Jing pointed at Gong Le's face, "Did you draw Lele's face?"

An Yiqing said very straightforwardly, "Yes, I was going to draw it on my own face. I wanted to make the baby happy. The baby would smile happily when seeing such a face, but Lele said she wanted to play too, so I drew it on her face."

Then he turned around and asked Gong Le, "Is that right, Lele?"

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